They Got Her Pregnant! Page 15
When the train stopped Roland sent for his butler who he was sure was waiting by the stand maybe for hours. The doctor had showed up earlier and given Lenora a shot she was out cold “Travis” Roland said when his butler presented himself “please grab my things I have precious cargo in my arms” Travis’s mouth fell opened but he soon regained his composure and gathers the things. Roland waited until everyone left the train then he got up and slowly made his way off. Within a few minutes he was sitting in the back of his car Travis was up front “where to sir?” He asked “Home Travis” he answered “I am exhausted” Travis turned the car and headed into the traffic and drove for Home. By the time they got there Lenora was beginning to wake she opened her eyes slowly “where are we?” She asked “we just pulled into my driveway” Roland answered “you do remember me don’t you?” Again laughter bubbled out of her and Roland smiled “yes” she answered “I remember” just then Travis opened the door “I am going to step out and set you on your feet” Roland said softly she nodded her head. Carefully he climbed out and stood upright he realized he was beginning to feel cramped and pained, he set her on her feet gently and released her she stood still for a moment then slowly moved forward “here” Roland said wrapping his arms around her “lean on me” together they slowly walked toward the huge front door and Travis swung it open “this is where you live?” She asked “sometimes” Roland answered “I never dreamed of owning a big house” she said after a little “why not?” Roland asked “who is going to clean it?” She giggled again and Roland smiled “well that’s different women love big houses” she shook her head “not me” she replied “my love is for fast cars” Roland’s eyebrows rose high “really” he said “yes” she replied “I love them, they give a certain rush” already Roland’s mind was reeling “alright” he said and led her inside. Slowly they climbed the stairs to the second floor he led her to one of the bedrooms overlooking the yard “this is where you sleep” he said to her “you can stay as long as you want to. Is there anyone you would like to call?” She shook her head “no” she answered “not even my mother she will be certain to help Hensley find me again. It’s better if they do not know where I am. Hensley is a rich and powerful man. He’s dangerous” Roland smiled and kissed her forehead “fortunately” he said “so am I get some rest, I will take you shopping later unless you want to wear clothes for the rest of the time you are here” she giggled again Roland knew he could get used to that sound. He closed the door and left her, he went to his bedroom and began to remove his clothes as he did Lenora was on his mind he wondered what kind of beast could have been so abusive to do to her what he had done. He wasn’t so concerned about the reason because no one had the right to do that to anyone. He showered quickly and got dressed, joggers and t shirt seemed appropriate being that he has spent so many hours in a suit after grabbing a bite to eat he made his way to his office. He will get some work done until Lenora wakes up.
Roland removed his glasses someone was knocking at the door, he has been in the office for just over an hour “come in” he answered the door opened and Lenora walked in. She looked a little different she looked better “hi” she said timidly “I am hungry but I don’t see anyone. Is it ok if I make myself something?” Roland was surprised “you didn’t need to ask” he answered “but since you have I’ll take you to get something and some clothes too” he got up immediately “come on” taking her hand he led her from the room and down the stairs. He grabbed his wallet and led her to the garage. He pressed a button on the key knob that he had in his hand and his Audi R8 came to life he watched as Lenora’s eyes lit up “fast cars?” He asked her and she nodded her head excitedly “come on get in” she ran to the passenger side and jumped in. Roland couldn’t help but feel captivated as Lenora’ laughter filled the car he was going over the speed limit but he didn’t care she was so happy. They spent the rest of evening walking around a mall that she found on the GPS they were nice things in the store and no matter how much he tried to convince her Lenora still wound up buying simple things that cost almost nothing finally Roland gave up. He knew if he wanted her to wear ridiculously expensive things he would have to buy them himself while she shopped for underwear he wandered off to a jewelry store to get her a bracelet with a matching watch an expensive one too. When he placed them on her wrist she murmured and he frowned “forget it” he said to her. Soon it was time to head back home when they got to the car he tossed her the keys “you drive” without waiting on her response he sat in the passenger side and waited she climbed in “but I don’t know the way home” she said settling into her seat “don’t worry” Roland assured her “it will come to you” she buckled her seat belt and whizzed out of the parking lot and into the street she could really drive Roland was impressed. Within a few minutes they were home.
Lenora had been living with Roland for almost four months now and he still had no idea what happened with her he felt she would tell him in time. One day when he got home from work she was in the pool naked swimming around, he stood at the edge and called to her “hi” she said coming to the edge of the pool “come on in I want to talk to you” Roland took note of the mysterious twinkle in her eye. He removed his clothes and rest them on a nearby chair and dived in she slowly swam to where he was and then wrapped her legs around his waist “I was nineteen when I met him” she began slowly “he was the man of my dreams, I was in my final year of university and did internship at his company. He was wonderful everything I could imagine. He would sweep me off on luxurious weekends and buy me the nicest things but I was never the kind of woman who was all about the material things if this works. After I graduated I accepted a job at Deaten’s robotics in New York. That’s your company I was making a decent living bought myself a house, car helped my family. Things changed when he suddenly wanted me to stop working and stay home, he started cutting off and scaring off my friends and he kept giving my family huge sums of money. I am from a poor family but I along with my siblings worked hard to improve our situation we didn’t need his money but I suppose he thought I could be bought. When things didn’t go his way he would show up and at my work and try to make a scene. One day he dragged me from office by my hair and it has been downhill since then. I decided to leave him and this is the result. I do not know what he told my family because there is nothing anyone can tell me to cause me to side with a stranger over blood. But I ran from him once and my mother and sister told him where I was. I am better off alone.” Roland listen to her story without saying a word when she finished he leaned forward and kissed her “not entirely alone”he whispered and kissed her again she gave in to the kiss and he depended it roaming his hand around her naked body. She felt good all the bruises and scars have faded and she no longer winced at the slightest touch he could actually explore her body now and he did, slowly he lifted her and placed her on the edge of the pool she spread her legs wide and he tasted her she threw her bad as his mouth made contact with her private part she moaned and grind her hips as he sunk first one then two fingers inside her she was turned on and craving him he got out of the water and picked her up he was taking her to his bed. She crept on to her hand and knees raising her ass high in the air he smiled she knew what she wanted he could tell. He walked up to her and slowly guided himself inside her pushing all the way, a long low moan escaped her throat and she came tremble and shaking all over he waited for her to steady then he started moving inside her, she felt so good wet and slippery he threw his head back in sure enjoyment. She braced against him and he smacked her hard on her buttocks picking up the pace with each blow she screamed and begged wanting more and he gave it to her she came again screaming his name and still he wasn’t near his peak he wrapped his hand in her hair and pulled her up to him whispering sweet nothings into her ear tears flowed down her face and a smile played on her lips she was in bliss. Roland smiled he was happy he could do that for her he pulled her up close to him so her back rested on his chest he thrusted harder she moaned again as he twea
ked her nipples pulling on them hard he kept this up until she started to build again he too was almost at his peak. Pushing her forward he grabbed her ass cheeks and slammed into her hard she screamed and stilled as he emptied himself deep into her. Roland didn’t know what it will take but he knew he could never let her go after this, they lay wrapped up in each other talking until late in the night when they fell asleep. They were filled with each other.