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They Got Her Pregnant! Page 18
They Got Her Pregnant! Read online
Page 18
“Yeah mom, I’m fine.” I took a bite of my pancakes, trying to avoid eye contact because my mom could see I’m troubled just by looking at my eyes. People always say I have expressive eyes.
“Listen, I know that you haven’t moved on for almost a year since Nate left you, and you are trying your best to do so. But always remember what I always tell you…”
“I know, mom. I’ll be able to forget about him and I’ll be able to raise Marcus without him.”
“Good” she said with a warm smile. “And don’t forget that I’m here for you if you need anything.”
“I know that too, mom. You’ve been a great help since the start.” I hugged her and she hugged back a little tighter than mine. She could sense that I needed a hug to feel safe and assured. I hope I could sense that too for Marcus.
I said goodbye to mom and Marcus and went on my way to the diner I work at. It’s just a 12 minute drive from Galveston, right at Virginia Point Road, near a sports bar. That is if I have a car. I sold my car at craigslist just so I could pay the hospital bills and the baby things for Marcus. And because of that I have to commute to the Greasy Platter. Arriving at the diner, I greeted my co-workers, laid down my things in the staff room, and changed to my waitress uniform. I looked at the mirror and fixed myself up once again before going out.
I have been working at Greasy Platter for a while now. One week to be exact. It started when I quit my job as a store clerk in a famous boutique in Houston. The pay’s decent at the boutique, but those stuck up customers just get in my nerves and my co-workers weren’t friendly towards me either. At least here at the diner the other waitresses were warm towards me except for Pam that seemed to dislike me. It’s a good thing I landed another job or else, how would I take care of Marcus if I couldn’t even buy his diapers? I can’t always depend on my mom for those kinds of things because I am Marcus’ mother.
It was just like any other day in the diner. The air wafted with brewed coffee, some bacon and eggs, and pancakes and waffles. People chattering over their breakfast, discussing about things that us waitresses shouldn’t be hearing but we still hear them anyway. Utensils clattering against plates as customers munched on their morning meals and sipping on a hot cup of coffee or freshly squeezed juice. An uneventful day as usual. I just did my job all throughout the morning, waiting on tables, clearing counter tops, and carrying plates of food towards customers.
A loud motorcycle could heard from afar, it’s nothing new to us since bikers usually come and go here in these parts. I looked out on the large glass window and the loud motorcycle parked right in front of our diner. The rider wearing a black leather jacket, got off of his Harley and he unbuckled his helmet, removing it from his head to reveal his face. Messy brown hair, hooded brown eyes, a chiseled jaw like a professional sculptor carved it, a nose that looked like belonged to a Greek god, and provocative lips. The waitresses around me all swooned when they saw him, as if they were teenage girls. I could hear their groins leaking from looking at Mr. Hot Stuff. For the first time since I started working here, something interesting came to the diner.
Watching Mr. Hot Stuff, he walked toward the double doors of the diner with confidence and swagger, as if he was the most important human being on earth. He entered the place like he owned it, looking for a place to sit. The girl that was mean to me, Pam, got brave and approached him.
“Hi, sir. Would you like for to find a seat for you?” she asked sweetly. But seemed that her sweet act didn’t work because he just looked at her indifferently and he brushed her off. He went to a booth at the far right side of the diner and sat there. Pam walked away with a disappointed look.
“Dozer!” someone called. I looked and saw the middle aged owner of the Greasy Platter warmly greet Mr. Hot Stuff. So his name is Dozer, huh?
“It’s great to see ya, Johnny,” Dozer greeted back with a half-smile.
“Here, I’ll take you to a seat and I’ll have one of the waitresses serve you. Then we’ll have a little chat,” Johnny, my boss, looked around for a free waitress, he saw me just standing by the counter. “Alisha! Bring this man a menu, will you?”
“Uh, okay boss!” I hurriedly took a menu from the stack of menus sitting on top of the counter and brought it to Dozer who was removing his leather jacket. Looking at him up close, he’s rather tall and well-built. And when he looked at me to get his menu--wow, his eyes, brown as rich melted chocolate. I also noticed that he has a tattoo on his left forearm. A dancing Lilith adorned with flowers. I finally realized that I was staring at him for too long and just shook my head a bit to wake my brain up. C’mon Alisha, focus! You’re here to work, not to ogle on hot guys.
In a short while, I took Dozer’s order and gave it to the cook to work on his food. I continued working but not without stealing a few glances at Dozer. I looked at him longer, thinking that with his looks, girls probably flock all over him trying to get his attention. I bet that he’s an ass like treating the girls that he dated like trash and then making them want him more. I just remembered Nate at how bad he treated me. He just wanted me for the sex despite the fact that he knew that I loved him. I sighed and my face had gotten sour just by the thought of him.
I heard a ding coming from the kitchen and I walked on over to grab and serve the food that was prepared. A plate of a large cheeseburger, a cold glass of coke and some fries. It turned out to be Dozer’s order so I once again walked towards him to place his food on the table, telling myself to not get too distracted by him before I do something stupid.
“Enjoy your food, sir.” I said in my customer service voice that I always use in that store clerk job I had.
Dozer looked me up and down, then stared at my face a little longer. He then smiled, “Thanks.” That was weird, was there something on my face? But him staring at my face just gave me a fluttery feeling in my stomach.
Dozer and Johnny chatted for a few hours, and because of that it was a bit hard to wait on tables and take orders when he’s there being hot. I guess that goes the same with the other waitresses especially Pam who felt like she was rejected right off the bat. I would sometimes catch him staring at me while my boss was chattering away but he would drop his gaze when I look back.
After a while, both the boss and Dozer stood up and said their good byes. Dozer swung his jacket over his shoulder and he took once last glance at me. I could feel my face getting hot just by his stare. He pulled the door open to exit the diner and wore his jacket and black helmet. He started the engine of his Harley and revved it up. Dozer left with a loud roar from his motorcycle, going away further and further. It felt like that was the last time I get to see a guy like that. It would have been nice to see him again.
My day off is on the next day so my friends and I planned to hang out tonight in a popular nightclub in Houston, “The Trinity.” My mom told me to take a break once in a while since I have been so focused in working and taking care of Marcus that I might be forgetting about myself. She said that I’m still young and enjoy my life even with a kid.
It was a long line reaching to the entrance of the club. The Trinity is one of the most popular hangouts in Texas as wealthy and famous people would often go here. That explains why the line getting in is long. We waited patiently for our turn to get in to this popular club. But even though we were going to stand there for hours, we all felt good in our clothes, especially me. I wore a red V-cut mini dress and some black strappy shoes to match. It’s nice to dress up once in a while. In fact, I deserve this night for all the hard work that I have done for my son. I then saw a guy wearing a black leather jacket approach the bouncer. The bouncer looked him and he just let him in without batting an eye. Wow, he must be a VIP to be let in without being asked for an ID or being in the guest list. The leather jacket just reminded me of Dozer. What’s up with me, thinking about him?
An hour and a half later, we finally got in of the club. The lights all beamed and move all over the place, projecting and blinking different patterns. Th
e music was loud and upbeat, just feeling the beat of the music just makes you wanna bob your head to it. People crowded and occupied the dance floor while some where drinking away at the bar.
My friends and I all sat at a booth near the bar so that we don’t have to walk all the way if we were far from it. Shot glasses were served with a bottle of tequila, so when we filled our glassed up to the brim, we gulped it all down. I could feel the buzz of the alcohol already. We laughed as we told telling each other stories of our goofy times about the last time we all did a girl’s night out and we caught up to one another since we haven’t seen each other for a while.
When the music changed to a familiar tune, we all looked at each other with grins stretching from ear to ear. We remembered that we partied out to this song a long time ago. Since this was a nice throwback, we all decided to walk on over to the dance floor and dance the night away. But after a short time dancing, I was already feeling tired. I told the girls that I’m going to our table and went ahead to sit there and rest. It was obvious that I was tiring myself too much at work since I couldn’t last an hour in the dance floor. I watched my friends have a good time while I checked on my social media sites.
I saw a guy checking me out at the bar. He seemed drunk because he was swaying as he was walking towards me.
“Hey, babe.” He said. God, he reeks of booze. “What’s your name?”
I didn’t answer and just continued using my smartphone. “Ohhhh, you’re one of those hard to get types, huh? Heh, that’s fine. I love me a good challenge.” He sat right beside me and he was getting too close for comfort.
“So, you come here often?” his arm suddenly wrapped around me.
“Uh, no and you’re being way too close,” I said as I pushed him away for space.
“Why? Can’t handle my sex appeal, babe?”
“I’m not your babe. Get your hand away off of my thigh!”
“C’mon, don’t be such a stuck up bi—“his words were interrupted by a guy grabbing the collar of his shirt.
“Hey dude, she said back off,” the guy who rescued me said. To my surprise, it was the guy from the diner, Dozer! So he was the guy that I say entering the club without any trouble. What are the odds that he’d be here and saving me from a creep too?
“Hey man, I was about to get her number and you gone and interrupted us.”
“Why don’t you just fuck off? She’s obviously not interested.” Dozer said. He looked annoyed with the creep being relentless.
The drunk man’s grimaced. He balled his hand to a fist and raised it, “You fuck off!” He flew his fist towards Dozer’s face.
“Dozer, look out!” I warned, but Dozer doesn’t seem to be needing my warning. He dodged the drunk’s attack and he quickly countered with a swift punch. The drunk fell back with a bloody nose. Everybody around us stopped their dancing and drinking and gasped at the sight of the scene He was going to retaliate, but a strong force held him back. The bouncer had his arms bound.
“Let me go! I’m gonna fuck up his stupid face!” the drunk wriggled.
“Hmph, just you try, and I’ll make your life hell.” Dozer dared. That was kinda badass of him to say that.
“Sir, you’re drunk. It’s time that you leave now. Mr. Anderson, are you alright?” the bouncer said. Mr. Anderson? Is he referring to Dozer?
“Yeah, I’m fine. Get him out of here before I do something worse to him.”
“Ali! Are you okay?” my friends came to my aid and asked if that drunk did anything wrong to me.
“Hey, that guy who saved you is cute,” one of my friends said.
“Girls, don’t you know who he is? He’s the Dozer Anderson! He’s the son of the owner of a multimillion real estate company. It’s one of the most successful companies in Texas and Dozer Anderson will be the next in line to take over. He used to be famous for starting fights during his university years so his dad had to send him to a different university abroad,” another of my friend said. As always, she seems to know a lot of stuff about famous people.
I looked at Dozer and made me think about who he really is. He’s a son of a wealthy family and it makes me wonder why guy like him would eat at a diner where I work at. Well, obviously he knows the owner, but still I thought someone like him wouldn’t go to such a place and rather be in a place like this club. He has that “I’m too good for this” kind of vibe and I wouldn’t think that he would save a girl like me.
Dozer walked in closer to me after taking care of that drunk that tried to pick me up which was another surprise for me. “That guy was a jerk, huh?” he said with a half-smile. Even in this dimly lit club I could feel that he’s staring at me intently.
“Uh, yeah. Thanks for saving me.” I suddenly felt that fluttery feeling in my stomach again.
“That was nothing. He was easy.”
I glanced back and saw my friends smiling at me and smirking too. They gave me thumbs up, as if telling me to go for it even though he probably dated more attractive girls than I am. My friends very much knew what I have been through with Nate so they would always tell me to move on. It’s easier said than done since what Nate did hurt like hell. But enough about Nate since it’s reminding me of bad times. I’m more concerned why Dozer is talking to me so comfortably. He wouldn’t be interested in a girl like me, right? He was just checking if I’m fine.
“You’re the new girl that works at Johnny’s diner. Alisha, right?” he asked. He remembers my name. I wouldn’t think that he remembers me after that brief interaction with him at the diner.
“Yeah. I just started working there a week ago.”
“Well, apparently, Johnny can hire some pretty attractive waitresses too,” I blushed at his compliment and his half-smile just makes it worse.
“Well, speaking of Johnny, how do you know him?”
“Oh, that old fart? Well, let’s just say that he helped me in sticky situations,” Dozer said vaguely as he lit a cigarette. Sticky situations, huh? My friend did mentioned that he used to be in fights. Maybe my boss used to help him get out of bad situations.
“I was thinking of asking you to hang with me, but it looks like you’re with friends.” Dozer glanced at the group of girls behind me and I looked back. They were all gesturing me to go on ahead and they’re fine with it. I smiled sheepishly because I don’t want to leave my friends because of a guy, but I am drawn to Dozer ever since I saw him at the diner. I haven’t felt for a guy like this in a while and because of this, I’m going to give it a try.
Dozer took me to the VIP area of the club. It’s my first time in the Trinity that I’m already at the VIP area of the club. It makes me feel like I’m special just by going here. The VIP area has a room for each VIP to have some privacy. It’s nerve wracking to be alone in a room with Dozer.
Dozer got us drinks, and we instantly chatted about anything. The longer we talked, the more it felt like I have known him for so long. He told me a little about himself, especially about his time during his university days. It’s true that he goes in to fights in the past and he admits that he did it out of fun, just for the thrill of it. He would start fights against people who would get in his way. And when his dad found out about it, he got disappointed and made him got study somewhere in Asia. He would just not go if he didn’t want to but he’s the next heir to their real estate company. He’s quite responsible despite his violent past.
“So, what’s your story?” he asked me while he took a sip of his scotch and flicked the ash off of the shortened cigarette
“Oh, you wouldn’t want to know my story,” I answered. “Do you have any interests?” I tried to change the subject but he’s persistent.
“Don’t change the subject, Alisha. Everybody has a story that they want to tell, whether it’s boring or intriguing.”
That’s true, but I don’t want to talk about it during the first stages of dating. I’m scared of what would the guy react when they knew that I have a kid from my ex. And I’m not even sure if this is a da
“You can tell me, I’m open about anything.” Dozer sounded so reassuring when he said that. But he looks like he’s type to not go well with kids. Despite my thoughts, I ended up telling him about me, my ex, Nate, and my son, Marcus. Dozer was quiet at first but he just smiled and said, “Well, since the mom’s a looker, I’m sure Marcus is cute.”
I didn’t expect his reaction at all. I thought that he would take me having a son so positively. It turns out that he has a little sister that he adores from his father’s recent marriage. He protects his little sister like she was his own life. I find that admirable and attractive that men could act so well with kids. Who knew that this bad boy has a soft side?
The night grew deeper and I have gotten more and more intoxicated with the alcohol and my time with Dozer. It felt like time slowed down whenever we talked. We had talked a lot that we ended up just in silence, looking at each other. The silence wasn’t awkward or painful to go through, it was comforting. I couldn’t stop looking at his eyes, it’s like they’re sucking me in. I checked the time and it was late.
“It’s late, I should go,” I said. Even though I said that, deep down I don’t want to go. I want to stay with Dozer a little longer.
“You serious?” Dozer asked. He looked disappointed.
“Yeah, I have to be at the diner tomorrow morning.” I stood up and carried my purse on my shoulder. I checked my phone and saw that my mom messaged me. I quickly went to the door and pulled open, but a hand closed it again, and behind me Dozer was there, standing, cornering me against the closed door.
“Don’t go,” he said in a low voice. His hooded eyes stared at me intensely once again. His gaze just makes me fidget a little.
I looked away because his attractive eyes were distracting my thoughts. But he took my chin and have my face be leveled to his face. He glanced at my lips and he kissed me, softly at first but his kissing became hot and hard. I wrapped my arms around Dozer’s neck, our bodies close together.
“Do you still want to go?” Dozer whispered. That kiss got me dazed, and I don’t know what to say. I was thinking that Marcus must be looking for me. He’s used to me putting him to bed.