They Got Her Pregnant! Read online

Page 20

  It was seven-fifteen when she finally stood in front of the mirror satisfied with what she saw, she smoothed the dress along her accentuated curves and smiled satisfied, just then the buzzer rang. She pushed the button on the receiver and her voice vanished she removed her finger and cleared her throat then tried again “who is it?” her voiced surprised her it was so high pitched. “It’s Nick” came a sexy masculine voice at the other end. She buzzed the door opened “I will be right down” she picked up her purse and slowly and carefully made her way down the stairs she didn’t look up until she had gotten to the foot the very last step “wow” the deep male voice made her look up immediately. Nick Morgan in all his masculine glory stood gaping at her Cory’s breath left her body as he walked toward her only managing to barely say “hello” he walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek “you look sensational” he said beaming. He took her hand and led her from the room “you will set tongues wagging tonight” he said “they will all want to know where I found you.” He made it sound as if she was a stray dog he rescued off the street “I think it was the other way around or did Noel do the finding” and because what he said really rubbed her raw “maybe we shouldn’t explain how I had to pick you up off your back.” He blinked just once Cory realized she had taken him aback he took her by the elbow “shall we go” she smiled that has set the boundaries nicely.

  Instead of the taxi she was expecting she was led to a chauffeur driven Mercedes after seating her inside Nick Morgan joined her “Templegate please, George” he said as he settled himself more comfortably beside her. She was painfully aware of the masculine leg pressing into her thigh but she dared not move, she would not give him the satisfaction of thinking he bothered her. The burning sensation that came from realizing how the slits on the dress revealed a tantalizing amount of leg rose up in Cory’s mind she tried to think of something else, nothing came to mind. The atmosphere in the car was charged she felt herself been pulled to him he said something but she missed it “excuse me” she said feeling stupid “I asked you if you have ever been to Templegate before.” Before she could stop herself she rolled her eyes she had covered that with him in the park today “relax Cory” he said it was the first time he called her by her first name and it worked on her over active nerves “relax?” she asked “I do not know what you mean I am perfectly relaxed” “yea right” he said looking at her lap for the first time she realized that he hands were tight fits. “Look you will not be required to do anything, no hostess duties if that’s what’s worrying you” she wasn’t sure what was worrying her “wont your girlfriend take offense to you having another date?” dark eyebrows shot upwards and blue eyes flashed “girlfriend” he said “Miranda? The model? No she is fine and she is just a friend no girl on it.” they spent the rest of the evening getting acquainted with each other which was a painful exercise for Cory he was too close, too handsome and the atmosphere in the car was too charged. She was happy when the car finally pulled up in front of the building she breathed again, they entered the building and she gasped this was going to be some evening.

  When the clock struck three Cory was completely exhausted she had thoroughly enjoyed herself Nick as she had come to call him was quiet the host. They waited until all of Nick’s guest were gone before leaving themselves “care to come back to my place for a nightcap?” he said softly as he opened the door for her “no” she said a little too hastily she tried to moderate it “I am tired and have a lot work to do” he nodded and joined her in the car sliding the glass open he said “back to Miss Knight’s place please” before closing it shut again and pulling a blind down so that they were now private. Cory became protective and started babbling about nothing in particularly burningly aware of male thighs pressing against her the next moment he was kissing her, really kissing her and it was everything she imagined it might be, mind-blowing. She could tell he was really experienced as he explore her mouth leisurely he kissed her until her heart thudded wildly against his and she was kissing him back in total surrender before she could stop herself she was reaching down and removing her shoe pulling her dress upwards she perched on one knee and threw her other leg across his lap she was spread out over him like morning light she only needed him touch her where she shone she could feel his hand beneath her as he unbuckled his belt and set himself free slipping her underwear to one side he impaled her and she bit her lips she knew she couldn’t cry out because of the driver tears pooled hot into her eyes as the realization hit her she was losing her virginity to a man she barely knew in the back of a car, how cheap. Without warning huge sobs began wracking her body and she bit her lips harder trying her best to contain the sound. He seemed to understand he kissed her everywhere. Though Nick was buried deep inside her he wasn’t moving she felt warm everywhere. Slowly he stroked her everywhere her body shook and shivered as she calmed down. “I am sorry baby” he said quietly “please forgive me” “no” she whispered “it is I who should be asking for forgiveness, I wasn’t thinking. You are so wonderful and awesome I just got caught up. It is like I love you already and I don’t know what came over me.” He slowly stroked her back and flicked his hips forward she bit her lip again silencing the cry that sounded in her throat “its ok love” she made up her if this was to be a one night stand she might as well make it one to remember. And so she rode him as if she will never have sex again for the rest of her life, when they finally climaxed they were melted into each other forever imprinted. Cory felt it, she could never let him go after this, she sat back in her seat she was surprised to see not a strand of hair was out of place only the burning sensation between her legs remained and she felt sad. He helped her out of the car when they arrived “I am fine here” she said to him “you need not follow me inside” he gave her a weird look “open the door Cory” he said she was all fingers and thumps finally she found the key and he walked in with her she put her fingers to her lips “not a sound” she said “the couple on this floor owns a Great Dane and at the slightest sound he barks like mad” she removed her shoes and he looked at her “you have shrunk a whole two feet” he said surprised “what have you been walking on? Stilts?” she laughed quietly “yes” she answered “Wait until you see my glass eye and wooden leg” he chuckled as they climbed the stairs quietly. “Thank you for a lovely evening” she said as she got to the door “your welcome” he said bending to kiss her now that she was bare feet. All the feelings he had aroused in the car were there and her arms were just starting to snake up his arms when she was free

  “Goodnight” he said “goodnight” she said “and I meant what I said it was a lovely evening” he smiled “ok” he reached forward and stroked the silky skin at the side of her face. “Sleep well” he said he wasn’t going to ask her to see him again and it just what she expected tears. She turned towards her door tears welled up into her eyes “want to go for lunch tomorrow?” Cory’s heart leapt into her throat “lunch?” she repeated “yes” he said “that meal between breakfast and dinner?” “I don’t think so?” she said “thank you though” he rested his arm on the rail “why not?” “Because” she hesitated should she lie, no he would know “because I am not dating at the moment” she replied “not a good enough reason” he shook his head “after your child damn nearly broke my back, I almost died” “I have made recompense for that” she said furiously “and Noel is not my child.” “you were in charge of him” he grinned “do you want to see my bruises?” he was doing the charm thing again thanks to her ex ripping her heart out she was immune to such ploys “there are other women who would die for the privilege” “I doubt it” he said hastily “I will be back by midday, there is a nice little pub I know where the roast beef melts in the mouth” “I’ve told you I am not dating” she said seriously “and I have told you this isn’t a date but more paying off of your debt. I don’t like to eat Sunday lunch alone” he stood up and straightened his shoulder and began walking down the stairs. Looking at his back she hissed “I will not have lunch with you”
“twelve Sharp” he said, turning around he walked back up the stairs pushing her against the wall he kissed her when broke the kiss she was speechless “you are stuck with me Cory Knight” he said and turned again to leave “I suggest you get used to it.” “Nick” she hissed again “I am not backing off” he said firmly I suggest you accept me with good graces” she opened her mouth to speak but he silenced her “mind the dog” he said the next moment he was gone. She was taken aback “stuck with you” she said as if testing the words she opened her door and walked in leaning against it she slid down the length of the door and sat on the floor “stuck with him” she murmured again in disbelief as laughter bubbled from her.

  The end


  Sonya Bonovitch smiled; she has had this encounter with this same old man before and since the first encounter she always reacted the same way; with a smile. She waited patiently for him to finish ranting then offered him a glass of warm milk and some cookies. He accepted it, she knew once he’s had a few bites and a couple sips he would calm down. She often wondered about him, why he was so foul tempered and good natured at the same time. She liked him, she smiled kindly at him and walked away to go to the corner and count to ten. She has had quite a few customers like him, one too many if she should be honest and with the shit pay she got she knocks herself for putting up with them. But because of her past she was scared for life, she was lucky to even be working no one wanted to employ her with the record she had. She’s been told plenty times to lie about the record but something could go wrong and her employers could find out and then she would be slapped with all kinds of charges and that’s the last thing she wanted. So she worked her ass off at this shit job and just hoped for the best. People often wondered about her, why she worked, truth is she really didn’t need the money. But she had her own reasons. Her riches didn’t come through hard work, it came from taking the fall for a friend who made sure she was well set up when she got out but sitting at home wasn’t her style. As she stood in the corner counting her mind drifted back to that rainy night, she had just graduated from college with high honors she had the job of her dreams lined up, and life was good. Against her better judgement she went out for drinks with some friends, she had declined at first because in her opinion they had drank enough at the graduation after party but she knew her friends they wanted more. She went with them in the hope that she could keep them safe or from doing anything stupid, what a mistake that was. The night went on innocently enough they made their way to a bar they hoped wouldn’t be too crowded and it wasn’t but as the night dragged on people started pouring into the bar by the dozen. More than likely the rain was driving everyone off the streets, her friend Tiffany who was timid and claustrophobic started complaining about wanting to go home Sonya had enough too so they decided to leave but like any true friend the others decided they should go too. Sonya decided to settle the bill the others were too stoned anyways Tiffany was sober enough and followed her to the bar. Some guy at the bar groped at Tiffany and she smiled trying to be polite “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t touch me” she said in her little timid voice. The guy apparently didn’t take too kindly to that “what makes you think you’re better than me?” He asked Tiffany ignored him the bartender spotted that trouble was ahead and stepped in “hey back off!!” he snapped “or I’ll throw you out of here myself” the guy was furious “it doesn’t matter I was just leaving anyways” he paid for his drinks and left. Something told Sonya this wasn’t the end and she ached to hang around the bar a little longer but they had already given up their booth and Tiffany was so scared she was pale “don’t take it too hard” the bartender said “most guys are just assholes” they smiled and walked toward the door to meet the others. Together they ran out in the rain before Tiffany could blink a blunt instrument connected with the back of her head and she fell face first onto the concrete she was aware of screams and yells then almost suddenly two shots rang out as her vision cleared she struggled to stand up Tiffany was holding a pistol her hands were shaking she was white as snow. Apparently the guy’s pistol dropped when he swung at Sonya and Tiffany seeing that their life was in danger shot him. Immediately Sonya knew what was going to happen she could feel something warm oozing down her back it was blood next thing she knew she was in darkness. When she woke up she was surrounded by her parents and friends and of course the police “Tiffany?” She asked “where is Tiffany?” “I'm right here” whispered a timid quiet voice she came forward cuffs on her wrists. An officer cleared his throat and Sonya looked in his direction “I got to understand that you were the one who was attacked but your friend here pull the trigger. Though it was in your defense she will be going away for a long time we just need your statement so that we can plead the case to see if we can get her a lesser sentence” Sonya took a deep breath. Pour timid Tiffany wouldn’t going last a second in prison no matter how much money her family had, slowly Sonya struggled to sit up “Tiffany didn’t shot the guy I did” the whole room fell silent except for Tiffany’s weeping “she is just trying to protect me as I protected her. The guy came on to her at the bar and I took him on. The bartender made him leave but it seems he waited for us outside. The second I step out he attacked me, his pistol fell when he came at me. When I fell to the ground he went after Tiffany I picked it up aimed and fired. Tiffany must feel guilty that it was because of her maybe that’s why she lied to you” turning to Tiffany she smiled “it’s ok Tiff, it’s going to be alright” the officers looked concerned. Sonya turned her eyes to each of her friends as if making a silent pact somehow they all understood. The police exited the room to have a discussion “what the hell are you doing?” Her mother asked with tears in her eyes “making a choice” Sonya responded “you are no longer my daughter” her mother said with so much coldness Sonya’s heart cracked like glass but she held her resolve “it’s ok mom I love you. Goodbye” her mother broke down in tears and her father led her away “I’ll get you a lawyer honey” his father said smiling “I’ll be back to see you” she smiled as her dad led her mother away. They still didn’t speak for a long time but her dad has been her rock. Soon only her friends were left in the room quietly she spoke “we all know Tiffany would not last a second in prison” she said silently “please do not wreck this for her, everyone keep their mouths shut and try to stick to the story” soon the door burst open and Tiffany came in “please Sonya” she begged “please do not do this” Sonya ran her hand through her hair “it’s already done just don’t make me regret it” Tiffany laid her head in Sonya’s lap and wept bitterly. The police re-entered the room and read Sonya her rights and that was it. She spent five years in prison and another two under house arrest for good behavior she got out early and got off a little easy. Tiffany’s parents spent a lot of money bribing people to make sure she got the best of care but sometimes things got rough. She had to learn to fight to survive. Seven years and six tattoos later she was out and without a doubt all of her friends were waiting for her and to her surprise her mother was there too. Tiffany had gone on to take on her family’s empire she had changed she was tougher though still quite. She had a house specifically made for Sonya, the car of her dreams except the newest version and money in an account in Sonya’s name but amidst all these gifts Sonya was still empty she longed to live the life she had in mind after she graduated so she started the job hunt. She didn’t lie in her application and though she made it to a few interviews she never got hired. Some of the business owners complimented her on her remarkable good looks even asked her out on a date but because of her record they just couldn’t hire her. So after months of searching she wound up waiting tables in this diner. Her degree and qualifications didn’t mean squat with a record like hers, Tiffany offered for her to work in her company but she refused she wanted to find her own way. Sis regardless of how much she had she still worked she didn’t want to sit at home, that would drive her crazy. Tiffany took really good care of her even though it would often cause arguments between them,
Tiffany still did all she can for her. Her little counting break came to an end she made her way back to the front back the old man left leaving her a reasonable tip like he always does. She cleared the table of the plates and cups that he used and made her way to the back where she deposed of them. Her shift ends in a few minutes but she had a few rounds to run before skipping out, she went through them quickly she wanted to get out of there. In a few minutes she was walking out when she bumped into a stranger “I’m sorry” she apologized “I didn’t see you there” the stranger looked up and smiled “it’s ok Sonya” he replied “you can bump into me anytime” immediately every hair on the back of her neck stands on end, she was about to go into full protection mode and ask how the man knew her but she resisted she was still wearing her name tag “again sorry” she said and hurried out. She met the strangers gaze and everything south of her waistline heated up. She made a hasty retreat almost running to her car, when she got there she sat inside and took a deep breath. The man was beyond handsome, with the most piercing blue eyes and most beautiful smile she had ever seen. The sound of footsteps cause her to look suddenly into her side view mirror she saw him coming her plan was to close the door but then that would seem impolite. But something inside her knew she wasn’t trying not to be impolite she wanted to know what he was coming to say. He got to the rear of the car and knocked on the trunk, she looked out and he smiled again warming her blood “hey” she said “how can I help you?” He walked forward toward the opened door “I don’t mean to intrude” he said quietly “but I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself you were moving so fast” she got out of the car and stood to her feet “I’m Raymond Leavens” he said stretching his hand forward she took it and shook “I’m Sonya Bonovitch” Raymond’s smile was enchanting before she knew it she was returning it and blushing “listen” he said “can I see you again? Dinner tonight? That’s if you don’t have boyfriend or husband that would object” Sonya shook her head “I have neither of those” she relied “but I doubt I am your type” Raymond shook his head “and what type do you think you are?” She smiled but didn’t answer “I should get going, it was nice to meet you” before he could say anything she climbed into her car and started the engine. Before she could drive off he looked in through the window “this is a very nice car” he said to her “don’t be surprised if I come looking for you Ms. Sonya Bonovitch. I’d rather propose to you right now that let you escape me” Sonya grinned “happy hunting Mr. Leavens” she drove out of the parking lot and into the street.