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They Got Her Pregnant! Page 21

  Sonya stepped in the welcoming warmth of her shower as the water cascaded down her back and neck she smiled it felt good she turned this way and that looking in the full length mirror that was installed in the showers. She didn’t know what Tiffany was thinking when she had it installed but whatever it is that she was thinking Sonya liked it the tattoos on her body were remarkably done there was one that covered half the right side of her body starting at her rib going down her hips and across her butt cheek she was particularly thick in this area with a tiny enough waist. As the water ran over her she began to relax and her thoughts went back to the man she met earlier “Raymond” she thought to herself suddenly fear gripped her, she felt like she might have made a mistake giving him the chance to go find out about her for himself. Maybe she should have given him the information he needed and pray that he doesn’t go searching but now he’s going to go digging to find her and he certainly will. Then she laughed “maybe as well” she thought to herself wouldn’t want him getting his hopes up only to find out that I’m a criminal, then he would wind up heartbroken and hating her. Maybe this was for the best; he will look her up, see her past and forget about pursuing her. She stepped out of the shower and dried off; she didn’t have any plans for the evening and thought about going to the gym. She rolled her eyes at herself “why bother to shower?” She put on some gym attire, grabbing her keys she ran down the stairs. Just then her phone rang it was Tiffany “hey” she answered “you ok?” “Yes” she answered “there is a man in my office looking for you, he won’t leave” Sonya’s heart skipped a beat she suddenly felt weak and had to sit down “give him the phone” she requested she listened as the phone changed hands “hi Sonya” came a happy voice “I told you not to be surprised if I come looking for you” she felt frightened “how did you find her?” She asked the fear heavy in her voice. “I did some digging and her number was the only one listed. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” She sighed heavily “please” he continued “I just want to see you again” Sonya thought about it for a second “give the phone back to her” when Tiffany came back on the line he told her to give Raymond her name and phone number and that she would come see soon. They hang up the phone, now she had a plan for the evening she would wait for Raymond. Walking to the kitchen she opened the refrigerator it was always stocked with food though she hardly cooks and most times end up giving away all the food to the shelter for teenage girls down the street from where she worked. She started pulling things out of the fridge grilled chicken sounded good. Within half an hour the most amazing smell was coming from her kitchen just then the doorbell rang she ran to it not checking herself “I’m coming” she answered when she opened it she froze a huge arrangement of white roses greeted her, her heart melted “hi” she said Raymond’s face peeped up from behind the arrangement “hello” he said “I’m sorry I was just trying to find you. You must be important to your friend she threatened to cut my balls off if I hurt you” Sonya laughed “that’s how she is, she gets ahead of herself sometimes. Please come in” she swung the door open wide and turned for him to follow her but he didn’t. She stop to look at him what’s the problem she asked not understanding why he’s just standing there staring “nothing” he said but Sonya was smarter than that she had already caught his eye “I was going to gym when Tiffany called” she explained. She cursed herself quietly she was wearing booty shorts and crop top she would have preferred if he didn’t see her this way for the first time. Finally he walked in and closed the door “you have a nice home” she smiled “thank you” she rushed back to the kitchen and pulled the cast iron pan on which the chicken has been cooking for the past half hour. In a few minutes her meal will be ready “I didn’t cook for you” she said smiling “but you can have some if you like” he nodded his head greedily. Somehow she felt like he wanted more than just food or maybe it was because that’s the way she felt. She set plates on the bar for them and they sat down to eat “so” she began thinking its best not to give him the chance to ask questions “how’d you find me?” He smiled “I asked around” he responded “this is a small town and people talk so I asked and the questioning led me to your friend. The person didn’t know your phone number but he knew your friend’s which seemed strange to me that your boss would know your friend’s phone number and not yours” Sonya remembered how it came to be that way when she applied to the job she didn’t have a phone so she gave Tiffany’s phone number to her boss “I figure your past is a sensitive topic but I know and I don’t care” he said before she could even say anything. She looked at him seriously “everyone say they don’t care at first” she said quietly “until you walk into a building with me on your arm and everyone stop and stare or until our children gets called nicknames because their mother is a murderer or a convict. You may not care now but when all the glitter and glow wears off you will” he set his foot down “well let me be the judge if that won’t you? Let’s see if I will care or not” she smiled and said nothing more. They finished the rest of the meal in quiet; while she did the dishes he cleaned the rest of the kitchen. She was impressed, they spoke about minor things over a glass of wine until Raymond decided to leave “I’ll see you tomorrow” he said and leaned forward to kiss her on her forehead before she could protest. In a few minutes he was out the door and left her in awe.

  Sonya was back at work with a stupid smile on her face Raymond was on her mind not even the foul tempered old man couldn’t spoil her mood. She was too happy for that, her shift would end in a few minutes and she relished the idea of seeing him soon as she stood watching the clock by the bar she suddenly felt hands wrapping around her waist it made her jump “shhhhh” came a calm quiet voice blowing air against his ears “it’s only me” she smiled “Raymond” she whispered. She turned around to gaze up into his beautiful eyes “hi” he said smiling that dazzling smile “ready to go?” She nodded her head “how did you know my shift?” She asked “it was posted right there when I came in here the other day” he explained “I told you I’d find you” she smiled “I suppose you are a man of your word” she answered “I’ll be right back I’m going to get my things” she went to the locker she had in the back, collected her things and cake right back. To her surprise he looked his arm around her waist as they walked out together “I got off work early just to see you” he said smiling “where would you like to go?” She didn't really have a place in mind “I don’t know to be honest. Where would you like to go?” He looked at her a mischievous twinkle in his eye “I have a wedding r detain to attend” he replied “I’d be happy if you were my date. You can drive home now and get ready and I’ll pick you up in a few minutes” she thought about it for a second this would be her first real outing since she got out. She wasn’t too sure about it “don’t think” he said interrupting her thoughts “just say yes” she nodded her head. He walked her to car and kissed her cheek “I’ll see you soon” she climbed in and floored the pedal all the way home. She wasn’t sure what she was going to wear but she knew there must be something in her closet she called Tiffany for advice she told her she puked come over and help her get ready. In a few minutes Tiffany was doing her hair and makeup after they raided her closet and found the perfect dress. It cling to her curves like a second skin, Sonya complained about it she felt almost naked “you look so beautiful” Tiffany said tearing up “you would be conquering the world if you hadn’t taken the fall for me” immediately Sonya shut her down “stop that” she snapped “don’t you dare start that again everything worked out I’m here and I’m fine” the doorbell rang and Tiffany went to answer it while Sonya slowly made her way down the stairs. When she looked up Raymond was standing there dressed in a suit his focus was entirely in her “you look amazing” he said smiling “you take my breath away” he held out his arm and she took it. Tiffany followed them out like a proud mother “I’ll have her home by eleven” Raymond called out to her they all burst out laughing “that is appropriate” Sonya said squeezing his arm affectionately �
�neither of us went to prom, we were both grounded” he help her into his car in a few seconds he was seated beside her and they were on their way.

  When they got to the function the bride and groom were just arriving. Sonya realized Raymond kept her close looking his hand around her waist every now and then as if he was trying to stop her from wandering off. After the bride and groom entered the crowd followed and photographer ran up to Raymond to ask him for a shot, Sonya found this strange she realized she never actually asked Raymond what he did for living. He took her to his side and posed for the picture, after taking the photograph the photographer looked at Sonya with a puzzled expression on his face “excuse me” he said “I don’t mean to be rude but do I know you from somewhere?” Sonya’s eyes grew as big as saucers. Raymond stepped up “why do you apologize and not meaning to be rude when you know you are going to be?” He snapped the photographer lifted his hand in surrender “I’m sorry Mr. Leaven” he said and backed away slowly still eyeballing Sonya “come on” he said taking her hand “let’s go” he led her inside but Sonya wasn’t in the mood anymore she wanted to go home and hide like she has been doing. Where no one can see her to question her about her past, he led her to a table that seemed to have seats laid out for them. They sat down Raymond never let go off her hand he squeezed it every now and then to reassure her “don’t worry” he said when he met her gaze “I am happy you are here with me” a waitress came up to them and he ordered a bottle of wine “my girlfriend here needs to lighten up” Sonya grinned. She doubt wine would do the trick she had a stomach for alcohol and could maybe go bottles of wine before showing any signs of intoxication. Soon the wine arrived along with two shots of whiskey; she downed her shit in one gulp and washed it down with the sweetness of the wine. It set her blood ablaze and she felt a little lighter. Soon the conversation at their table started up and she felt at ease. In a few moments Raymond was called upon to give a toast to the groom who happened to be his brother. The groom roasted him for not being at the wedding but he had an alibi and as brothers he was already forgiven. As he stood at the front of the audience talking Sonya couldn’t help but blush he was staring at her so much that people started to follow his gaze trying to figure out what he was looking at some persons smiled when they saw her but Sonya could not ignore the few startled stares that came her way. There were people there who knew her past and she could feel the judgment in their stares. Just as she was thinking to get up and run Raymond was by her side “hey don’t you think it” without warning her kissed her deeply and passionately “I need you and that’s all that matters” she was touched by his sincerity.