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They Got Her Pregnant! Page 22
They Got Her Pregnant! Read online
Page 22
The proceedings continued until the dance floor was beginning to fill up with people “dance with me” Raymond said to her she didn’t have a chance to resist he was already standing and holding out his hand to her. She took it and he led her to trance floor the magnificent dress trailed behind her once there he took her into his arms and them began to move his hand traced the naked skin below the cut of the dress and she shivered. He pulled her closer tracing her tattoo with his finger “I like this” he said running his fingers against the line. She smiled this felt so good “excuse me” a voice said from behind them she turned to see who it was she didn’t recognize the person though she had a striking resemblance to someone she knew. “Are you Sonya?” The young lady asked “Sonya Doyle?” Sonya looked at Raymond she wasn’t sure what to say “yes” she responded “Raymond” the young miss continued “don’t you know who this is?” She asked sounding disgusted her voice had raised a few octaves “this is Sonya Doyle, the murderer who killed that man so many years ago. I can’t believe they let you out” Sonya’s blood froze she saw herself grab the woman’s throat and squeezed. People were staring now all those who looked at her before under their eyes were staring at her more openly. She held onto Raymond’s jacket tighter in a desperate attempt at self-preservation “yes Elaine” Raymond answered bitterness in his voice “I know who she is” she looked at him in disbelief “and you still brought her here?” He seemed to have been driven to his last because he pulled her to his side and turned all his attention into the Elaine woman “yes and it is none of the business!” He snapped “it is over between you and I. Whoever I choose to be with is not your concern. Where is your boyfriend Elaine? The spoils of cheating wasn’t so rewarding was it? Just go away and if you so much as look at Sonya again I’ll make you regret it. You know I don’t need to speak twice” she shrunk back and slinked away wounded and embarrassed turning to the other people around he spoke “I do not need any your opinion on my choices in a partner if you all have a problem with Sonya you will have to deal with it as long as she wants to be with me in going to be with her. I suggest you all get used to it.” With that he took her hand and led her away “let’s go I’ll take you home.”
On the way home they barely said two words but his hand never left her thigh affectionately he wrapped his fingers around his wrist, when they got to her house h pulled into the driveway and climbed out to get her door “I’m sorry about tonight” he said “I have to go to China tomorrow I’ll be back in a few days. Take care of yourself until I get back won’t you?” She smiled and nodded “I think I can do that” she reached up to caress his face “where did you come from?” She asked him as if she was unable to believe that he was standing right there “where have you been all my life?” He asked her pulling her into an embrace their lips met and they kissed. His hand began roaming over her body squeezing her ass shamelessly reaching behind her she unlocked the door he followed her inside kissing and tugging at her clothes. Without waiting she pulled her dress up to waist he laughed “no panties” she listened to the telltale sound of his belt being undone and his zipper pulling down in a few seconds she was rewarded. She could feel his hard cock resting against her slowly and with much care he tried to enter her it wasn’t easy “shit you’re so tight” he sounded like praise and compliant mixed together “oh fuck” he cried out when he finally got inside “I can’t hold out for long” he said. He didn’t need to it has been so long since Sonya had sex she had already reached her climax a few seconds later so did Raymond. “That’s embarrassing” he said with a nervous laugh but she said nothing “sleep with me?” She asked “sure” he responded “I was dying for you to ask” she laughed and led him to the bedroom. He helped her out of her dress and undressed down to her underwear and climbed into the bed together they cuddled until they fell asleep.
When Sonya woke up the next morning Raymond was gone he left a note and credit card. She was to have some fun and go shopping or whatever until he returned and he wrote that he loved her and left numbers for her to call if she needed anything. She took the note and the card in she hand and smiled she was never going to use the card but she was elated to have the note. She was happy and it felt great. Already she was dying for him to come back.
The end
David dug around the house for his keys, he was late again. He can’t remember the last time he wasn’t late for work, he would wake up early in the morning get everything in order and then somewhere between breakfast and shower the time would slip away from him. He finally found his keys hanging on a hook by the door exactly where he left them last night, he rolled his eyes he could just smack himself. When he is late he gets confused and is never able to find anything, he picked them up grabbed his jacket and his coffee mug and head out the door. He had two cars in the garage he felt like driving the Ferrari today he pressed a button on the keypad in his hand and the door slid upward he climbed in, the garage door rolled upwards and he backed out. David Attenborough was an all American, billionaire, wonder kid he made his riches at a young age being born to a wealthy family he made use of his brains and capitalized on many ventures he could be relaxing on a beach somewhere but he still had Attenborough Inc. to run and he rather be at the helm of it all than be out of the know. He pulled out into the streets and sped towards his building he could see the long metal that pointed to the sky from the top of the building from there. As he cruised into traffic he ran over the plans he had for that day, he had a shareholders meeting that was to last a lifetime he winced at the thought of it but there were a few things to look forward to like a visit from a group of high school students that would be touring his IT department he decided to join them just something to take a load off but tonight he was hanging out with his brother and his girlfriend apparently his brothers girlfriend had the perfect blind date lined up for him. He rolled his eyes at the thought the last time it was his brother who had the date lined up and though the sex was wild and satisfying the woman was less desirable. He had to cut her off.
Soon he had arrived he pulled into the parking space designated for him and climbed out of his car “hello Brian” he said halfheartedly “hello sir” Brian answered “late again sir?” David winced “yes I don’t know what happens between breakfast and shower” Brian chuckled “don’t feel bad sir you have made it ten minutes in” David shook his head “ok Brian thank you.” He gathered his things and made his way up the steps he always took this way to get a little cardio in, Brian was the head of his security team which by the request of his overprotective father has been shadowing him since he was in college but David is a Good man and has never had a run in with anyone so his security team’s job has been easy still they are very vigilant and excellent at being invisible. He got to the top of the steps and stretched his long legs across the lobby to the elevator he stepped in and pushed a button his phone rang and he picked up “hello this is Attenborough” he replied “you should be using your elevator sir” it was Brian “one day I might Brian one day I might” the line went dead and he knew Brian was shaking his head, he can never convince him to use his own elevator or even his own bathroom. As he watched the numbers change and people getting on and off he smiled this was the highlight of the morning he got to talk with people from various levels in his building on his way to the top. When he got there his secretary was waiting by his door a pretty little blonde thing, but he had no interest in mixing business with pleasure. While he is exceptionally nice to his staff the line must not be blurred or crossed and he worked hard to maintain that. He was never a “handsy” boss and he wanted to make sure to keep it that way. “Good morning Mr. Attenborough” she said cheerily “Morning Annie how are you today?” She smiled “fine sir, everything is in order I’ll be at my desk if you need me” she deposited a bunch of files in his hand and stopped halfway to his office. “Thank you” he said smiling and walking the rest of the way alone he reminisced on the amount of times he has embarked on this walk with his secreta
ry stopping half way he shook his head he realized like he has many times that he is growing weary of doing things alone. He gave the door a gentle nudge with the tip of his shoe and walked in, he sighed nice to be in familiar surroundings. He deposited the files on his desk and walked to the window looking out he smiled the city was already a buzz at eight in the morning, people were moving places to go, things to do. His cell phone rang and he turned away to answer it, his brother “hey Mike” he said cheerily “to what do I owe the pleasure to be talking to you so early?” His brother chuckled heavily and David pictured the way he probably threw his head back “are we still on for tonight?” Mike asked “you haven’t backed out on me have you?” He closed his eyes and sighed deeply “no Mike I’ll be there and I’ll try to be on time” “alright great I’ll talk to you later then wear something nice” this David had to laugh about because he always dressed presentable enough “alright Mike I won’t embarrass you” they laughed at this and said their goodbyes. He walked towards his desk and sat down “let’s get the show on the road” he said trying to boost himself.
When David stepped from the building he was relieved he did have a long trying day, the shareholders meeting was pretty much a pain just as much as he thought it would be but right afterwards he had the tour with the high school student that brighten his day considerably after which he grabbed a late lunch in quiet inside of his office where he spent the rest of the day closing off some paperwork. He got so engrossed in his work that Brian had to call him twice to remind him of his date now he had barely enough time to rush home and shower and get dressed as he climbed out of the car Brian handed him a suit “courtesy of your brother sir” he said with a grin “he is adamant that you look nice tonight” David took the suit “fine” he ran inside and into the shower he was out and getting dressed in less than five minutes when he finished he sailed down the stairs and was greeted by Brian “this way sir” he said leading David towards his car “Aron will be driving he knows a shortcut I’ll be shotgun” he climbed into the back and settle in for the first time in a long time he felt nervous about meeting a girl. He didn’t understand why maybe it was his brother’s adamancy that he dressed nicely with nothing else to think about he finally could focused on the woman he was about to meet, he wondered what she looked like. Within a few minutes they had stopped Brian was sneaking David in through a private entrance “this is the best idea sir chances are there are photographers at the front we really should avoid the rush” this David had no problems with. If his picture appeared in a famous magazine it was strictly by chance he wasn’t impressed by fame as rich as he was. He followed Brian’s lead and within is a few minutes he was looking at his brother he had the element of surprise and snuck up on his surprising him. Immediately he started to survey his surroundings he couldn’t see his brother’s wife or any strange woman “Elaine has gone to the front to meet your date” he said almost reading David’s mind “our table is right over there we will wait for them by the bar this is what I told Elaine” David agreed and went off with his brother while Brian and the security team made themselves invisible. Elaine soon appeared by Mike’s side standing next to her was the most beautiful woman David had ever seen, by the looks of it she was about five feet four inches a little tall for the height in women he preferred but that didn’t matter because he was way over six feet himself. She had black hair that she wore in a bun on top of her head with curly little tendrils falling here and there, her skin was dark as if it was perfectly kissed by the sun she wore light makeup and a subtle color on thick juicy lips that he could just bite into just then she bit her lips and blinked and his full attention was on her eyes. They were dark and discerning as if she was looking into his soul “David” Elaine said finally “this is Eleanor, Eleanor this is my brother in law David” they stretch their hands forward and shook like magnet to steel their hands stuck together “hi” he said finally “how are you?” She smiled and his whole world light up her teeth were pearly white and her face was beautiful “hello you can call me Ellie” they stood staring at each other for what seemed like forever until Mike spoke breaking their concentration “we should sit” he said “this way” Elaine took his arm and he led the way forward David offered his arm and Ellie took it smiling “are you always this quiet?” He smiled “only when beautiful women are involved you look amazing” she returned is smile “thank you, your quiet an eye candy yourself” they got to the table and he pulled out a chair for her Mike mirrored his actions and the two women sit then they followed and so the evening began. Though the conversation around the table was light David couldn’t help but notice the strong connection between him and Ellie she would glance at him over the top of her wine glass and every time he would catch her eye and she would smile Mike and Elaine noticed it too as every now and then they would break out into fits of laughter for no apparent reason it was high school all over again. After a few drinks they decided to eat, Ellie already knew what she wanted, what she ordered made David jaws drop in surprise “where are you going to put all that food?” Elaine asked “I just don’t get it, where does all the food go?” Ellie laughed “have you not seen my ass?” This made even the men chuckle “I’ve seen it” David thought in his head “I have to go to the lady’s room” Elaine said breaking the mood “I’ll come with you” Ellie offered “ok” Elaine agreed. They both got up taking Ellie’s hand Elaine made a mad dash toward the bathroom “once she’s had a few drinks” Mike explained “she becomes married to the bathroom I don’t mind because she never gets drunk” David nodded “it seems Ellie is good with alcohol too, she has been shooting whiskey all night and shows no sign of intoxication I love that in a woman. I won’t have to worry when she goes out without me.” Mike looked at David in surprise “so you like her then?” David winked at him he figured the girls must be coming “what have you two been talking about?” Elaine asked before she even sat down. David shook his head typical Elaine “I’m just curious about how you and Ellie met” they looked at each other and laughed “shall I do the honors of telling the story Ellie or do you want to?” Ellie looked a little shamefaced which made David even more interested “maybe you should tell it” Ellie answered “there are still a few details that I will still leave out” David took her hand in his “don’t worry I won’t judge you too harshly” he said in a sarcastic tone that made everyone laughed. “Well” Elaine began “I was in my sophomore year when I met Ellie, she was something else then. She played almost every sport with a ball and an honor student, top student her grades were through the roof but ever so often she would be called to provost’s office the provost at the time was my father when she was called to the office there would always be someone in the opposite chair with a busted lip and a bloody nose. Ellie was a brawler” there was silence around the table David became aware that Ellie was pulling her hand from his but he tightened his hold and she stopped. Elaine continued “my friends and I didn’t associate with her even though I always waved at her and cheered her on when she played sports she was really good. Still is. Sometimes she looked right through me. She seemed like a troubled girl. One day I was by the gym making out with my boyfriend and he began to get “handsy” so I got upset and tried to walk away, he wouldn’t let me.” Suddenly Elaine’s expression changed she became really sad “you don’t have to tell me anymore” David said he kind of figured it out “no it’s ok” Elaine continued “Mike’s heard this story a hundred times. He grabbed me and began ripping my clothes off. Ellie must have been jogging close by and heard me screaming. She showed up and yanked him off me. The problem was if Ellie got into another fight she was going to be expelled, I didn’t know that at the time. Ellie beat him within an inch of his life. Then she gave me half of her clothes. We were quite a sight coming from behind the gym half-dressed she waited while I showered and changed then she showered. We walked to our cars in towels. I thanked her she said goodbye but I didn’t understand why she said goodbye. I really expected to see her the next day. But I didn’t
, the next day when I got to school I tried to find her. She had no friends no one I could ask so I went to see the provost he told me she had been expelled she had one strike left. So I explained why Ellie was fighting it was to protect me though my father understood he wasn’t sympathetic. I got mad and sought Ellie out. It turned out she was living on the streets out of her car she had two jobs and was attending college on a sports scholarship what was even more surprising was that she participated in underground fights at nights hoping to save enough money to get an apartment. She was tough as concrete nails but I broke her. I made her promise to stop all that mess and in exchange I’d take care of her. My dad let her back in school I don’t think she has been in a fight since, now she is one of the most successful business women in Seattle she designed the security system that Brian uses at your house. They went to school together Brian and Ellie” David took a deep breath in as Mike used his hand to wipe the single tear that streamed down Elaine’s cheek “she always cries when she talk about this makes me think Ellie has done more for her than she is letting on” they both smiled at each other but said nothing Ellie was quiet, David squeezed her hand gently “hi” he said to her when she looked up at him “are you ok?” She smiled “yes I’m just hungry” the second she said that their meal arrived and they tucked in. The rest of the evening went by with a lighter atmosphere David spent the rest of the night holding Ellie’s hand and Mike proposed to Elaine throwing a crazy turn on the evening’s proceeding. David knew he was going to propose he just didn’t know when, the whole restaurant erupted in applause Mike was the man of the moment David was happy for him. The night ended on a high note, when they left the restaurant it was a little after two in the morning. David was already rejoicing that tomorrow was a weekend they waited on the curb for their vehicles David wanted to ask Ellie to ride with him a little longer in her company couldn’t hurt but he thought better of it he will see her another day. Her car made it to the curve before theirs and she climbed in “I’ll call you” she said to David with a wink the car pulled away and she was gone “tsk tsk” said Mike “and just like that Cinderella was gone” David laugh “shut up Mike I’ll see you later” they shook hands and he hugged Elaine again congratulating her. Brian hopped out of the front seat of the car and opened the door he climbed in, as they drove home his mind was on Ellie “hey Brian” he said “does the name Ellie ring a bell?” Brian turned to look at him “you mean Eleanor Venhehirman? Yes sir it rings a bell but for me and everyone else it’s Eleanor she must like you sir to tell you to call her Ellie” David smiled “she was my date tonight” Brian looked at him in the rear view mirror “I know sir I trust you’ve had a good time? That woman is something else” David raised his eyebrow “oh?” Brian chuckled “I don’t know her that well sir, I doubt anyone does. But we were in school together at some point she knows how to party. I suppose she has left all that behind running a multimillion dollar company takes its toll on a person” David was deep in thought “how can she be designing my security systems and I didn’t know of her?” He asked innocently “she is a shadow woman sir” Brian explained “she hates the spotlight almost as much as you do, we hardly see her though we’ve spoken on the phone numerous times. She runs a tight shift” the car fell into silence as David was lost in his own thoughts “Ellie” he said out loud and almost as if she heard him his phone rang “hello?” David said the question in his voice evident “it’s me Ellie” came a beautiful voice on the other end “if you aren’t busy tomorrow could you be my date? There’s a suit and tie function that I have to attend. Oh I don’t want to but with you by my side it might be somewhat pleasant” David didn’t hesitate “I could be your date” he responded “what should I wear?” She laughed “suit and tie” she responded he laughed simple enough “alright I’ll see you tomorrow “sweet dreams.”