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They Got Her Pregnant! Page 26
They Got Her Pregnant! Read online
Page 26
She woke up frightened and trembling she sat up in bed and looked around her room a gasped escaped Aldo pacing the floor of the room with a glass in his hand. She climbed out of the bed and walked over to him blocking his path he looked so frightened she wrapped her arms around him “it’s ok” she whispered “no one is going to hurt you. I won’t let them.” She kissed his chest she felt like he needed protecting “you’re a brave little thing” he said “come on let’s get back to bed” but he seemed to change his mind halfway. He led her out the door and straight across the passage. He pulled the curtains back and she gasped all of the wall was made of glass and it overlooked the city it was so beautiful she leaned against the glass peering out “this is a beautiful view” she said amazed “you like it?” and he walked up behind kicking her legs apart and taking hold of her butt cheeks he pried then apart “this might hurt a little” he whispered “but you will enjoy it I promise” he pause as if waiting for her consent she nodded her head and he gently began forcing his way into her. Natalia never thought in a million years she would love anal sex so much but Aldo made it feel so good she couldn’t help but enjoy it. “Relax” he whispered kissing her ear “if you don’t it will hurt more than it has to” once he was inside her he began to move ever so slowly causing her vagina to tickle and itch. She couldn’t help but to move her waist round and round slowly to Aldo’s timing he seemed to be taking his own sweet time with her. Aldo went really deep then slowly pull all the way out and go deep again Natalia’s moans were quiet and calm Aldo played with her nipples and massaged her breast. Reaching under he slipped two fingers into her “you’re soaking wet” he whispered he pulled out of her ass slowly and slipped deep into vagina. A long deep moan escaped her and she trembled as he continued to move inside her. Soon she came resting her entire weight on the cold glass when Aldo finally stopped inside her it was a welcome relief she fell to her knees completely exhausted. Aldo picked her up and climbed into bed with her she was surprised, he pulled her against him and wrapped her in his arms. Soon she was dozing while Aldo played in her hair.
When Natalia woke ups he was sore, she has never had so much sexual experience her whole much less in one night. Aldo wasn’t in bed with her when she got up. She walked around the room picking her clothes up off the floor just as she was about to get dressed she spotted a bag in the chair beside the bed it had her name on it. She opened it to find fresh clothes. She wondered what time it was Aldo had gone shopping and brought her clothes, she wondered around the master bedroom until she found the bathroom. She climbed into the shower and turned on the shower water rushed over her from head to toe. She felt relieved the warmth of the water stung her private areas. As she showered a smile crossed her face and she felt like touching herself but she resisted. In a few minutes he stepped out and got dressed she walked from the room she wasn’t sure which direction to go but then she heard voices and she followed them. Aldo was sitting around a huge table eating and talking with an elderly man his face light up when he saw her “how are you?” he asked cheerily “slept well?” she smiled “yes” she replied “I am hungry though” he beckoned for her to sit “what would you like” she made her request and the elderly man walked off in what must be the direction of the kitchen. “That is John my butler” he explained. Natalia sat in silence she was unsure of what to say to him she felt a little shy and ashamed he reached across the table and took her hand “you don’t have to be shy around me” he explained before she could think she spoke “after everything we did last night it is hard not to be” he smiled at her “again your honesty wows me” he seem to understand and didn’t press her further.
After breakfast Aldo dropped her off “in time you will have to move from here you know that right?” she seemed surprised “where will I live?” she asked “with me” he answered “think about it.” she climbed out of the car and he drove off the heavy cock in his pants was encouraging him to steal her away for the day but then he must put her studies first. He drove home slowly he would love if she would move in with him immediately but he had already almost scared her to death when he fucked her ass he wouldn’t want to scare her any further. He could smack himself what was he thinking doing that to her so soon. Although she did seem to enjoy it. He pulled into his driveway and climbed out. He will be working from home today he didn’t feel the vibe to go to the office today. He climbed out of his car and after a short conversation with the gardener he made his way to his home office.
The day went by smoothly there were occasional text messages from Natalia checking up on him but that was about it he wondered for a moment if he was too hasty with her she didn’t seem as interested as he wanted her to be but then he reminded himself that he may be expecting too much too soon. So he tried to relax his mind and wait to see where things would go “this is not a business deal” he told himself “you have to give her time” with that said he buried himself into his work there are a few thing she had to get done before the day ended.
It was seven p.m. and Aldo was proud of himself, he has taken care of a few backlog of work that he had hanging around his neck and had taken on some new ones. Things could not have been in better shape. He decided to run down to the shower grab a quick bite and then check to see if Natalia wanted to go out. He wasn’t sure what her take on going out on school nights was. As he scrubbed himself her vice begging him not to stop as he fucked her crept into his subconscious and his cock grew heavy again. This girl has really done a number on him, he got out and dried himself putting on casual clothes he sauntered down to the kitchen he was feeling really happy. He sat down to eat but just as he did the doorbell rang the butler went to get it “sir it’s for you” he said. Curious Aldo got up to check he kind of had a feeling who it was, when he got there he smiled. Natalia was standing at the door in a dress that should come with a warning label. So much of her was exposed, he smiled too surprised to be upset about her attire “hi” he said smiling “you’re looking lovely” she smiled “I hoped you would like it” he rose his eyebrows because all this time she had her hands behind her back. She saw his curiosity and raised both hands one had a handcuff in it the other a blindfold. Aldo couldn’t hide his smile “you little devil” he said pulling her inside and kissing her. He was sure now more than ever that Natalia was is girl and was always going to be. With a deep breath he led her upstairs. He wasn’t hungry for food not now.
The end
Andy sat in class staring out the window, he had been preparing for this test all week and now that it was here he had no idea what to write. He had spent so much time studying but he has so much on his mind that for all his preparations he was still unprepared he looked down at the paper then back through the clear glass, he was waiting for the time to run out so he could leave there was no way he could write this paper not in this head space. As he sat staring the events of the day before began flowing back to him, he mother had passed in the middle of the night. He heard her calling to him and listened as she laid in his lap muttering nothing he had understand he had called the doctor but there was nothing they could do, the time had come and so he waited until finally she fell into a sleep from which she wouldn’t wake. She looked so peaceful laying there in his lap, a single tear ran down his face and fell unto the paper he was alone now and the realization of this cut him like a knife. Just then there was a gentle hand on his shoulder he looked up and saw Cassie the most beautiful girl in school standing beside him “I know you are going through a lot” she said “but you have ten minutes to finish this test and meet me outside. I will even help you along.” When he looked up students were crowded around the teacher handing in their sheets while Cassie stood directly in front of him with her sheet behind her clearly displaying all her answers. As quick as lightening he copied them a few of her answers didn’t match his and he wished he could correct her paper. For no apparent reason she was kind to him and he wished he could return the favor. He then moved through the essay section of the pa
per it wasn’t as impossible as he felt it was before and he was on his feet before the teacher made the last call.
When he exited the classroom Cassie was waiting for him by the door her smile was broad and infectious he couldn’t help but to return it “come on” she said the second he walked out “let’s take a ride.” He didn’t completely understand what she meant but he followed her when they got outside she took his hand and led him to the parking lot, her holding his hand and leading him like she did felt like the most natural thing. There was a sports car parked in one of the slots “can you drive?” she asked he nodded his yes she tossed him the keys “I hope you have a license” she said grinning she climbed into the car “of course I do” Andy responded. Andy hesitated he didn’t have a clue what he was getting into nobody is simply this nice “come on” she said when she realized he was still standing outside “the car isn’t going to bite” he sat down and swung his legs inside. The car was very luxurious “this is a really nice car” he remarked “I am glad you like it” she responded. He put the key in to the ignition and turned it the engine roared to life and he smiled, seems it was fast too, slowly he backed out of the parking lot and unto the street in a few seconds he was blazing down the highway “where are we headed?” he asked her “to this little place I know” she answered. He kept driving with her direction until finally they came to an upscale bar, Andy heard of this place but never actually been there only the rich kids go here he pulled into the parking lot and parked. “Listen” he said “I don’t think a guy like me would fit in here” she smiled “a guy like what?” she asked him smiling he blushed “I mean look at me” she smiled again “I am” she responded “come on, this will be fun.” She got out of the car and he followed “who goes to the club at daytime?’ he asked glancing at his watch “some people do” she responded. Again she took his hand, there was something bossy about her and though Andy wasn’t sure what her motive was just yet, he liked it. She looked like a take charge kind a female, no nonsense individual. He let her lead him inside where she spoke to someone at the door and he attached a band to their wrists, when they made it inside he was shocked it was pretty crowded and the music was very loud. The walls must be sound proof because he heard nothing from the outside. She kept walking as if on a mission he was heading to somewhere in particular. She moved until she came to a door she removed a key from her pocket and opened it. Walking inside she flipped a switch in the wall, Andy’s eyes almost jumped from their sockets. There were all kind of straps and restraints in the room, looking like some kind of BDSM kind of lay out. “I hope you will feel comfortable here” she said gauging his reaction “it is the quietest room in the building at the moment,” he was curious “how do you know that?” he asked “because” she said “turning to look at him “because my dad owns the place.” Again he was surprised “now tell me” she said taking a seat on an oddly shaped chair and patting another oddly shaped piece of furniture in front of her gesturing for him to sit “tell me what made you cry today in the middle of the exam. I don’t think I have ever seen a guy cry before.” Andy hung his head, slowly he made his way to the seat and sat down. He would really rather not talk about it but maybe this is what he needed, so he opened up to her and told her everything. He realized there was some amount of comfort that comes with speaking to her, maybe it was the way she listened or maybe it was because she was a total stranger maybe she wouldn’t judge him. He was poor and lost the last bit of him was taken by death and he was lost. His mother wasn’t his only living relative but she was the only one he had, they had isolated themselves from the others because of a decision that just didn’t sit well with his mother. When he finished he could see tears welling up in her eyes she felt for him, slowly he took her hands into his and pulled her to him she climbed unto his lap straddling him and he held her close. Though he was hurting she was the one who needed to be consoled and he couldn’t help but to feel responsible. She sobbed a little and they remained as they were for a long time, Andy couldn’t understand he already felt drawn to her, like he had known her all his life. After a moment she wiped her nose on the back of her hand and leaned back so she could look into his eyes “you have such lovely blue eyes” she said “let’s not have them cry anymore. Agreed?” he smiled he couldn’t respond with his mother’s death so fresh on his mind he just couldn’t promise such a thing. “Come” she said “let’s get a few drinks” she took his hand again leading him from the room to the bar. She ordered shots without even asking what he wanted and they downed them in hurried gulps soon the beat started soaking in and she started hopping from leg to leg she looked almost funny and this made Andy laugh “would you like to dance?” he asked her she laughed “yes” she answered “I thought you would never ask” they made their way to the dance floor with her in the lead. When they got to dance floor the he held her close and she wrapped her hands around his neck cuddling him to her. There danced like that for a little while until she seemed exhausted “let’s get out of here” she said. He followed her through the crowd and off the dancefloor, she grabbed her jacket from the chair by the bar and made her way to the door. He followed her. When they stepped outside the evening air was cool and crisp “do you have somewhere you have to be?” she asked him. Andy’s face fell “with my mom gone no” he had gotten used to rushing home to be by his mother’s side she walked up to him tipping on her toes she kissed his cheeks. “I like the fact that you are taller than I am” she said smiling she was really miniature compared to Andy. She walked to the driver’s side of the car and stretched her hand out to him, he handed her the keys “get in” she said as she sat down and immediately started the engine ‘where are we headed?” he asked she smiled “it is a surprise” she answered “I don’t want to tell you what it is, can’t have you bailing on me.” Andy couldn’t help but to smile “you’re an adventurous little wench aren’t you?” she winked at him and backed out of the parking lot. As soon as she got passed the first stop light she started blazing down the street throwing them both back into their seats. “Speed demon” Andy thought to himself after a little while he regained his composure when she slowed a little and turned onto a street, this avenue was lined with huge houses as far as the eye could see. She drove about two blocks in then swung into a long paved driveway she pulled up behind a black jaguar and parked “welcome to my home” she said giggling “come on let’s go inside.” Andy was shocked “this is your house?” he asked “yes” she responded “my mom and dad older brother and sisters live here, mom cooks a mean roast pork on Wednesdays I never miss it though I live on dorm. I would drive home just for that.” She took his hand, walking up to the front door she turned the knob and walked in, her family was busy getting the dinner table ready. They all greeted her with hugs and kisses then did the sane to Andy when she introduced him “dinner will be served in a minute” her mother said “why don’t you take Andy here for a tour of the grounds in the mean time?” they were all beaming at her, Andy found this strange. It not be that they missed her since she came home every Wednesday. When they were out of her family’s ear shot he asked her “why is that your family seem overly happy to see you with? Is it because of me?” he asked her “they are Christians” she responded “they thought I was gay” Andy thought for a second “are you?” she giggled “I was” she said seriously “not anymore though.” “What changed your mind?” he asked her naturally curious she stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face him “you did” she answered. Andy was surprised “me?” he asked “you changed my mind” she continued “you are such an awesome guy I have been watching you since our second year in college we were in almost all the same classes but you just never seem to have the time. You were always in a hurry or have your nose stuck in a book and I was just too shy.” Andy was surprised there was no way this beautiful, sexy woman wanted him all this time but was so unsure of herself, she had everything going for her. Just as he was about to respond someone called to them from the doorway it was time to eat she to
ok his hand “come on” she said “we will talk later” again she was leading the way and he was following he wondered for a moment if they had a serious relationship if this was how it was going to be. They got to the living room just as her mother was saying grace, she stopped dead in her tracks and bowed her head Andy did the same thing. This family seemed well disciplined even the delinquents such as Cassie and her brother Dave who had an ear piercing seem obedient when they should be. When grace was done they made their way to the table and took two empty chairs next to each other when everyone was served they dug in, hungrier than he realized he was ok to let her family carry the conversation. Apparently Cassie has been talking to her family about Andy, they seem to know a lot about him. They asked him occasional questions and the whole table grew quiet and silent as he told them of his loss. They all wanted to come to the funeral to offer their support, he was appreciative of their kindness. This is something he could get used to, a strong family that would have his back. By dessert it was almost as if Andy knew them for a long time, he stayed to help Cassie with dishes and cleaning the kitchen. Again he realized that since he didn’t have to run home to his mom he could be out late this made him feel some type of way, he missed her terribly and stood staring out the kitchen window. Cassie walked up to him and took him into her arms “I know that look” she said this made him smile. He didn’t know where they were headed but he was happy he wasn’t alone at this time.