They Got Her Pregnant! Page 27
It was almost midnight when Amy finally walked Andy out to her car, he had refused to stay he wasn’t sure why he refused. Looking at the body Cassie had on her he knew that laying up with her must be nice. He wasn’t sure if it was because this was his first time with Cassie or because the heavy dick in his pants was telling him what will happen if he stayed. “You can take my car” Cassie said when they got outside “pick me up for school in the morning.” She wrapped her arms around his neck “did you have a good time?” she asked “yes” he responded truthfully “well there is more of this to be had, all you have to do is agree to be mine.” Andy thought about it for a second “is there a disadvantage to that?” he asked. She smiled “I am not sure what your definition of disadvantage is” she responded “you will have to stick around and find out.” He thought about it for moment then lowered his head and kissed her “I will see you tomorrow.” He climbed into the car and after a long look at her he drove off, Andy spent most of the rest of the night awake pacing the floor and thinking, he hoped with all his heart that this was not a recipe for disaster he had suffered enough in this lifetime.
After the funeral Andy moved out of the run-down apartment he lived in with his mom he could have been living on dorm but he chose to stay with her. He already sold the car to help pay for the funeral arrangements so he decided to get a moving truck to take whatever he didn’t give to charity and put into a storage unit on the other side of town, as he taped the last box a horn sounded outside, the delivery truck must be here he thought. When he went outside he had to smile Cassie was sitting around the staring wheel of a pickup truck “sorry to disappoint you babe’ she called from the window “the delivery guys cancelled at last minute, I am all you got. Will I suffice?” he smiled “yes babe” he shouted “I think you will do just fine.” She knew well enough what Cassie had done all in her bid to help out in any way she can. Ever since the first Night at Cassie’s house this was the entire nature of their relationship, she was always there for him Andy was falling fast, occasionally he tried to stop himself because Cassie had one issue she was cold as ice sometimes, unfeeling and lacked emotion. They would have a disagreement and it would be like talking to a brick wall, she seemed to have been hurt before and freezes up whenever she had hurt feelings or doubts and no matter what he did he couldn’t get her to open up. As he placed the last box in the back of the truck she jumped at him and he scooped her into his arms and placed soft kisses all over her cheeks she was so sweet regardless and he was addicted.
They drove to the container and he unloaded the things from the truck as he closed the shutter he took one last look at the life he shared with his mother and closed it. He surely missed her, he climbed into the truck and she held his hand “ready to go?” she asked he nodded his head and smiled and she drove off there was a lawn party at Cassie’s house and it was supposed to be a blast. When they arrived everything was in full swing people were barefoot or in flip flops on the grass dancing with drink in hand. “My parents are party animals despite their beliefs” she mentioned “they really know how to get down” they took the front entrance and went through the house to avoid the crowd they needed to shower and get ready. The climbed the stairs towards Cassie’s room, she pushed the huge double doors opened. “This is my room” she said quickly “your clothe sis laid out on the bed. I will take first turn in the shower, make yourself comfortable.” Andy has never been inside Cassie’s room until today he looked around in awe the room was like a small flat within itself he could hear laughter coming from the window and looked out and saw that she had a perfect view of the back lawn and the rest of the property for miles out, it was really beautiful. “Come on” Cassie called to him snatching him out of his daydream “you need to shower and get dressed “there is no way you are already showered” he said to her “why don’t you come see for yourself?” she said lifting her towel Andy felt tempted but rushed to the shower instead. She will surely tempt him beyond his will one day and that will be the day, he moved quickly smacking her on her butt as he passed “you think you own me, don’t you?” he asked “matter of fact I kind of do” she answered giggling. Andy was in and out of the shower in five minutes when he came out Cassie was gone but left a message on his phone. He was to meet her on the lawn, he got dressed and hurriedly made his way out the second he stepped onto the grass he was met by Dave, Cassie’s older brother he handed him a mug “alcohol my friend” he said grinning. Andy took the glass and returned his smile “with pleasure he responded “come on” Dave said “I will introduce you to some of my buddies” Andy followed him his mind on Cassie all the time he would rather go in search of her. He followed Dave nonetheless, Dave’s friends were huge they looked like linebackers every last one of them. True to form they all played college football but believed the injury wasn’t worth the money they joked about it and they and Andy had a good laugh after a little bit he begged off to go in search of Cassie she was on his mind in an incessant nagging way and he couldn’t shake the feeling. After walking the lawn for a few minutes he became worried, she was nowhere in sight soon he ran into Amanda Cassie’s sister “have you seen Cassie?” he asked her she looked this way and that “she is on the front lawn” she whispered but you didn’t hear it from me.” Why would Cassie’s whereabouts be a secret Andy wondered? He made his way around the house and stopped dead in his tracks, Cassie was locked in a heated argument with a man who looked to be just a little bit older than Andy he wasn’t sure what to do if he should interrupt them or just leave for some reason he felt really threatened and really angry. He walked forward as he was about to speak the man pulled her into his arms and kissed her full on the mouth she struggled against him until he let her go she placed a well guided slap across his cheek he wasn’t expecting that “don’t you ever do that again!” she hissed “leave right now or I will have you arrested” she turned to leave but the man walked after her as if he meant to grab her Andy stepped out between them pulling Cassie who had begun to cry behind him “if you touch her again I will break your arm” he said it so quietly that the man stopped immediately. Andy was a bit of a giant himself and being that he was currently the most feared left tackle for miles around he could do some real damage to another individual if he wanted to. He folded his fists at his side praying that this dude will give him a cause to bust his cheek opened just then Cassie’s brothers appeared “Amanda told us you two were out here” Dave said “Steve you need to leave right now and I am not going ask twice. If you come within one feet of my sister again I will ensure you live the rest of your sorry life regretting it.” Steve turned a cold gaze at Dave then turned and walked off he climbed into an expensive looking car and drove off. Dave then turned to Cassie “what the hell were you thinking?” he asked her “the last time you were alone with him he beat you to a pulp, have you learned nothing?” Andy shook his head there was no way he could stay with Cassie anymore, not like this. He knew nothing about this girl and he was loving her more and more everyday he needed time to think. He turned and went inside and she chased after him “Andy!” she called out as he skipped the stairs two at a time he didn’t answer he entered the bedroom and closed the door behind him he searched until he found the car keys. Cassie was outside banging on the door. He opened it and walked passed her when he got to the front lawn Cassie’s mom was there with the rest of the family he fixed a smile on his face “where are you going Andy?” she asked “I am going for little ride” he answered “I will be back soon.” He passed her he was so angry he dared not stick around Cassie was at his heel ‘please, please don’t leave” he didn’t care he just needed space “I will do whatever you ask” she begged “just don’t leave me please” he opened the car door and she ran to the passenger side and climbed in “Cassie I am not taking you with me” he said sternly “get out of the car” she fastened her seat belt there was no getting rid of her and he knew it. He climbed in and turned onto the street and blazed off watching as Cassie’s family disappeared in the rearview
mirror “where are you going?” she sked after a little while “to a little spot to cool off” he answered “I told you not to come” she fell silent “Steve was my first and only boyfriend before you” she began “his definition of love was twisted and painful but it was all I knew so I stayed with him and he hurt me in every way a human being could be hurt. Finally I got tired and left, he is still sour about it, and I do not know better or know anything different from what he has taught me. I have always been in control of every relationship after him and the women never put up much resistance.” Andy sat quietly as Cassie spoke he could hear the hurt and pain in her voice he pulled unto a dirt road and her eyes grew wide and wild “don’t worry” he said resting his hand on her bare thigh “I won’t hurt you, ever” she relaxed a little and her ran his hand up her thigh to the lining of her underwear “this dress is too short’ he said smiling he stopped at the dirt road where there was a cliff with a sheer drop and parked the car slowly he lowered his head and placed little wet kisses on her thighs all the way up to where her underwear ended and down again she ran her hands through his hair and he gently bit her she giggled she unbuckled her seat belt and climbed over her seat and into the back seat of the car and spread her legs he followed her there laying down between her legs and she wrapped them around him their lips locked in a kiss and all of Andy’s earlier fears evaporated with his anger. She was without a doubt his and right here right now he was going to claim her as such. He slowly ran his hand up the back of her leg, taking hold of her panty waist he smiled into her mouth examining the fine lace between his fingers “this feels nice’ he said as he slowly pulled it down over her plump buttocks and down her thighs she now lay bare panting heavily waiting for him to take her, easing onto his elbows he undid her pants setting himself free and slowly eased into her. it was no easy feat she was so tight he closed his eyes trying his best to take his time with her she clawed at his back whimpering he had the feeling she had not anticipated that he would be so huge, she wasn’t ready. He flicked his hips and she moaned out loudly all of him was buried inside her she stilled and screamed her orgasm had taken her prisoner “you have no idea how long I have wanted this” she gasped he kissed her passionately as he slowly moved inside her filling her with himself again and again. He could tell she craved him as she arched her back to meet every stroke “I love you” she breathed into his ear he looked into her eyes tears were streaming down the side of her face he kissed them. She spread her legs wider and he picked up the pace slamming into her harder and she screamed. He felt her tremble and tense below him and knew her orgasm had once again held her captive he slammed into her one final time emptying himself inside her. They remained wrapped in each other’s arms relishing the feeling between them, they righted themselves and after a few minutes decided to drive back home. By the time they got there it was dark but the party was in full motion, Cassie’s family smiled when they saw them. They were happy to see them return together “you scared us for a second there” Roman another of Cassie’s brothers said to Andy we were getting ready to roll out the search party” Andy laughed “I would never hurt a hair on her head” he said pulling Cassie close and kissing her forehead. Soon they joined in the party dancing and celebrating, Andy had found something rare and he intended on keeping it.
Andy leaned over the side of the lawn chair to stick his stick his tongue into the navel of his horny, pregnant wife, now that Cassie’s belly was bigger he navel wasn’t so deep anymore. They had finished college and now held high paying jobs they got married four months ago and Cassie was now seven months pregnant. She was miserable, she wanted sex but every time they did she would have such terrible cramps that Andy was afraid to do it he just hated seeing her in pain. She pouted and folded her arms across her huge stomach they were expecting twins, just then Amanda came out by the pool side and Andy was grateful for that they could now drop the argument. Andy got up and walked to the edge of the pool he couldn’t help but to feel grateful for all the things he has accomplished and the great treasures he now had in his life. He looked at Cassie and she stuck her tongue out at him and pouted he was never going to live this down he walked back to where she sat “Amanda could I have a few minutes with my wife?” Amanda smiled “sure” she answered “it’s not like she is my sister or anything” Andy laughed he and Amanda were always going at it about who really owned Cassie. He took her hand “come here young lady” he said gently pulling her to her feet “a little birdy told me there is a little something you’re needing” her smile broadened and she glowed. Andy smiled as he led her inside if it got any better than this he was sure to evaporate from being so happy.