They Got Her Pregnant! Page 3
There was a reason nearly everyone in their Emergency Department fawned over Dr. Connor, and it wasn’t just because he was extremely good-looking.
Though in Kelley’s professional opinion, that certainly helped. The man was olive-skinned, with thick and slightly wavy dark hair that she’d love to grab fistfuls of. It curled around his ears, looking artfully tousled (Kelley fingered her own rat’s nest and thought ruefully about how unfair that was). He had a full bottom lip, and a white-toothed, appraising smile that made her go weak at the knees. His brown eyes glinted behind square-rimmed glasses, intelligent and (was she imagining things?) appreciative of how she was looking. She thought she had seen him look her up and down, but it couldn’t be, could it?
Of course he hadn’t been checking her out. She was wearing old, mismatched scrubs and had the worst bed head ever. That dream must still be stuck in her head, that’s all. It was affecting her perception of things.
Dr. Roy Connor was liked by everyone, though, because he was decisive and self-assured. Confident in how he presented himself, and charming without being arrogant. He was humble enough to laugh along at the nurses’ jokes about him, but commanding enough to put someone who was slacking off in their place.
She’d seen him do it, actually. It was incredibly sexy.
Come on, Kelley, you’re supposed to be working with him, not gaping at him.
“Mr. Peters,” said Dr. Connor, addressing their patient, “This is Kelley, your nurse. Kelley, Mr. Peters is having some nasty shoulder and abdominal pain that I think might mean he has an issue with his gallbladder.” He nodded towards the computer she’d brought in with her. “You can add that to your charting if you want.”
And just like that, Kelley was in nurse-mode. Her fingers typed the information into her patient’s chart so automatically, she hardly had to think about it.
“Have you had anything for pain yet, sir?” she asked.
Mr. Peters grimaced. “No. Just got in here. I’m surprised you all got to me as fast as you did, actually.”
“He’s got pain at an eight out of ten, so I’d suggest morphine or dilaudid,” said Dr. Connor, smiling warmly at Kelley. He was being so helpful. Why was he being so helpful? He should be yelling at her for being late.
Maybe that part is going to come later.
“I’ll go ahead and get you something right away, Mr. Peters,” said Kelley, and she scurried out of the room.
They saw plenty of patients during the first half of her shift. An elderly lady with severe pneumonia. A young man with a collapsed lung, brought on by a stab wound. A few strokes. An abscess that needed to be drained. Broken arms and ankles. Kelley was in her element; however nervous she got around Dr. Connor, at least it didn’t happen in front of patients. She’d always been great at emergency medicine, always able to focus on the task at hand. It really made no sense to her, considering how scatterbrained she was in her daily life, but she wasn’t complaining.
The whole time, though, she had that one worrying thought that wouldn’t go away: What if we aren’t busy, and he actually tries to talk to me?
And talk to her, he did.
After a while, they had a little bit of a lull in between patients. Dr. Connor had just finished dictating his charts, and Kelley was on her way to lunch. She stopped by the computer he was sitting at, mentally steeling herself.
“Dr. Connor, I…I was thinking of going to lunch now, if that’s okay. You don’t need me for anything else, do you?”
“Go ahead, Kelley,” he said, one corner of his mouth lifting in a smile. “Honestly, you’ve earned it. We make a good team.”
Kelley could feel her face growing hotter—she was pretty sure she’d just turned a shade of fire engine-red. “I uh…thanks…but I was really late this morning, I’m sorry…I thought you’d be mad…”
“How could I be mad at someone so adorable?”
“Uh…I…gotta go now, I’ll see you later.”
Adorable. He’d called her adorable. Now that she couldn’t blame on her imagination, could she? And how had she responded to the most attractive man she’d ever seen and been associated with in her lifetime? “I gotta go now, I’ll see you later.” Of all the stupid things she could have said. Would it have killed her to flirt a little back?
Maybe he meant it differently. Like I’m his precious little kid sister or something. You did the right thing, Kelley. You kept it professional. What if you had flirted back, and he’d stared at you like you had three heads? Yeah, that’s probably how it would’ve gone down.
She was so lost in thought that she was almost to the hospital cafeteria before she realized she’d forgotten her lunch. Of course. Working with far-too-handsome doctors was really getting to her. Kelley spun around on her heel and took off again, back towards the ER and the staff room.
If someone had eaten part of her lunch again, she was going to scream.
Luckily, nobody had touched her lunch, but there was a catch. And the catch was that Dr. Connor was also in the staff room. Kelley cursed to herself. What was she going to say to him, now that he’d called her adorable? Pretend it never happened?
Probably. That was her specialty. Hannah was going to kill her when she found out about this whole thing. She could picture it now. Come ON, he straight up told you he thinks you’re cute and you just ignored it? When are you going to live a little?
Dr. Connor had changed out of his lab coat. Nothing unusual there; a lot of times he took it off to eat lunch. He’d taken his glasses off for some reason, too. Maybe he didn’t need them all the time? Kelley wasn’t sure; it wasn’t like she spent a lot of time with him (she wished). Naturally, he was just as handsome without them. When he turned around to face her, a small smile on his full lips, her brain went blank.
“I know I said I was going to the cafeteria, Doctor,” she said, looking at her feet, “But I forgot my lunch back here, in the fridge. Typical me, right? Absentminded on a good day.”
He didn’t even crack a smile. In fact, he looked irritated. “Why don’t you tell me something I don’t know?”
Oh god, he’s mad at me for some reason. Shoot, did I chart something wrong? Did I forget to do something that he asked me to do earlier?
She was opening her mouth to stutter out some sort of apology when he started laughing.
“Hey, relax,” he said, his teeth flashing white, mouth dimpling at the sides. Kelley didn’t think she’d ever seen him smile that wide before. “I was just messing with you. You’re doing fine.”
Thank god. She could feel herself relaxing a bit, and thought she might act a little playful, for once. Now was her chance to show him she wasn’t really such a stick in the mud.
“Doctor Connor, making a joke? It’s a miracle.”
That got another laugh out of him (Two laughs! Man, this was turning out to be a pretty good day.). “I only make one a year. You’re the lucky recipient, so make sure you write it down.”
She was giggling a little, the butterflies in her stomach going haywire, when someone else walked into the staff room.
It was Dr. Connor, in his glasses and lab coat.
Hang on, what? There were two of them? Now that she looked closer, she could see a few subtle differences, like a mole on the cheek of the Dr. Connor look-alike she was talking to. They had to be brothers. Twins, because there was no way two brothers could look that similar and not be twins. They were both laughing as she looked back and forth, from one to the other.
Christ. I thought it was bad enough having to deal with one. How in the world am I supposed to handle a pair of hot twins?
Kelley’s brain knew the answer to that one, and it wasn’t exactly safe for work. She had to stop thinking about these things on the job; she’d blushed more today than she probably ever had in her life.
Dr. Connor brought her back down to earth. “So, you’ve met Robbie. He’s my-”
“Twin brother,” said Kelley, wrestling with her hair, trying t
o keep it from falling out of its bun. “At this point it’s kind of obvious.”
“Nice to meet you, Kelley.” Robbie extended one large hand, and she took it, feeling the warmth of his fingers on hers. He winked at her. Actually winked. God, this was so weird. “I’m the fun one, if you couldn’t tell.”
“Making fun of me again in front of my coworkers? He likes to pretend he’s me. Thinks it’s funny.”
“It is funny.” Robbie nudged his brother with his elbow, and Dr. Connor rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry, I didn’t tell her all your secrets. Just acted like you had a big stick up your butt, which, to be honest, isn’t really any different from how you normally act.”
“Kelley,” said Dr. Connor, shaking his head but smiling a little, “Don’t pay any attention to him. He’s an idiot.”
“Hey! I’m taking you out to lunch for our birthday, so watch what you say about me.”
Kelley was so overwhelmed by everything that she was barely getting a word in edgewise, but her brain did seem to understand this one detail.
“It’s your…birthdays? Wait, I said that wrong. Today’s your birthday?” She squeaked, and laughed a little at how big a mess she was making of her sentences. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know! Happy birthday to both of you!”
Dr. Connor pulled on his coat, gave her that little half-smile she loved. “It isn’t today, actually, but thank you. It’s in a week, but Robbie wouldn’t have been able to fly out here then. He came today instead. Total surprise to me, of course. That’s how he does things.”
“Speaking of my very spontaneous plans, we really should go, Roy,” said Robbie, motioning towards the door. “We don’t want to take too long having lunch. No disrespect meant, of course, Kelley. I enjoyed meeting you.”
“Pleased to meet you too,” said Kelley, her heart still hammering in her chest. “Next time you won’t catch me off guard like that. I think I can tell you apart now.”
“Oh, really?” Robbie winked again. “We’ll see about that one. We’re trickier than we look.”
She laughed, amazed at how comfortable he made her feel, at how easy it was getting to talk to both of them. Amazingly, it was less intimidating to have a conversation with the two of them at once. With his brother, laughing and joking, Dr. Connor seemed like a normal person, not some unattainable god of a man she could barely say one word to. And they were both enjoying talking to her, weren’t they? Maybe she was more charming than she thought.
“Go on, go have your lunch. I’ll see you when you get back, Dr. Connor.”
The brothers smiled, said their goodbyes again, and made to leave. Robbie hurried out of the room first; he wanted to warm up the car, seeing as it was December and, in his words, “colder than a witch’s nipple out there.”
Dr. Connor took a little longer, lingering by the doorway and checking his pockets. Kelley thought he looked like he was stalling, like he wanted to say something to her.
Apparently he did, because he was turning around, fixing her with a soft, warm look.
“Listen, I liked talking with you today. A lot, actually. My brother and I are having drinks at my apartment later tonight, and I was…wondering if you’d like to join us.”
Holy shit. He was asking her over to his apartment? At night? For drinks? Her eyes widened.
“It’s okay if you have other plans—”
“No no no, I don’t. I’d love to come. Really, I would.”
There it was, that perfect, wide, dimpled smile.
“I guess I’ll see you then, Kelley. I can send you the address in an email if you want. Come at nine or so?”
“Okay. Nine or so.”
Hannah really wasn’t going to believe this.
Honestly, she herself couldn’t believe this. Kelley pinched herself on the arm, hard. Nope, definitely awake. Good.
Or was it bad?
She didn’t know. Not yet.
It was midnight, and Kelley was now definitely tipsy. That was Robbie and Dr. Connor’s—Roy’s—fault. How was she supposed to know they both had such good taste in wine? She couldn’t resist a good vintage.
One glass had taken the edge off her nerves, and then she’d had a couple more. Couldn’t hurt, right? And it didn’t, not at all. She was confident, flirting, laughing at their jokes, their recaps of each other’s messy relationships. Touching their shoulders. Sitting between them, her legs pressed against theirs, thinking about what it’d be like to kiss one of them.
Or both of them.
It was probably the wine, but she was feeling that familiar ache between her legs again, and thinking about the dream.
“So, Kelley,” said Robbie, his cheeky grin resurfacing again, “There you go. We’ve told you all about our dating lives, and how crazy they’ve gotten. Well, not mine so much. More Roy’s. He’s been with some psychos, clearly.”
“Me?” Dr. Connor—Roy, she wasn’t used to it yet—spluttered. “What about that Alexa girl? You told me she went commando when she met our parents. Our parents!”
Robbie dismissed that with a wave of his hand, and Kelley just kept giggling, her cheeks flushed from the wine. “Not the point. The point is, miss Kelley, what about you? Any men in your life? Men that would, hypothetically, object to you flirting with a doctor and his much better looking twin brother?”
Kelley snorted. “Nobody, or else I wouldn’t be here. I’ve dated a couple guys, but they all mostly sucked.”
Flirting. He said flirting. I mean of course he did, what did you think was going on here? I can’t believe this is happening.
Robbie leaned in and started playing with a strand of her hair, curling it around his finger. “You don’t think we suck, do you? Seems like you like both of us a lot.”
Holy shit, if this was going where she thought it was going…
“What clued you in?” She laughed, meeting Roy’s eyes, breathless. He was tracing a hand down her upper arm, and it tingled where he touched her. “The stuttering? The blushing?”
They both laughed along with her. Roy’s lips were inches from hers now, and she was drowning in those brown eyes. She could feel Robbie’s hand (she thought it was his, at least) tracing her collarbone, the hollow of her throat.
“Well,” said Roy, softly, “We’re interested, too, if you couldn’t tell. Both of us. That okay with you?”
Kelley, for the first time in her life, felt completely confident, completely free. She looked from one brother to another, feeling her sex throb, and smiled mischievously.
“That,” she said, “Is definitely okay with me.”
And just like that, it was on, a tangle of arms, legs, and mouths. Maybe it was unusual that it started off like this straight out the gate, but she’d kind of had the feeling it would. They’d been eyeing her all night. The chemistry was palpable, and she’d been itching to rip their clothes off.
Judging by how things were going, they felt exactly the same.
Roy pulled her to him, kissing her fiercely, his teeth nibbling at her lower lip. His hand was moving up her inner thigh, higher and higher…she could feel its heat, feel it getting close to where she wanted it, and then it would move back down again. She squirmed. God, why didn’t he just put it between her legs already? The sheer black underwear she had on underneath her skirt was absolutely soaked.
Robbie was kissing at her neck, sucking hard and wet, and she was sure he was leaving marks. Both of his hands moved up under her shirt, over her ribcage, onto her breasts. He made an impatient little moaning sound and unclasped her bra, and her breasts sprang free. And she was being pulled up from the floor by Roy, his lips still on hers, his tongue deep inside her mouth.
Kelley never knew sex could be this way, so uninhibited, so fantastic. She was so unbelievably turned on, and they’d barely even done anything yet.
Somehow, they were in Roy’s bedroom, and her skirt was being tugged off by someone (Robbie, she thought. Maybe.). Okay, yeah, it was. He gave her ass a light, playful little s
“Beautiful,” he whispered. “Even better than in scrubs.”
Her gorgeous Dr. Connor (seriously, was this really happening?) was on the bed, his cock bulging through his boxer briefs. It was so hard, so heavy, that she could see the outline of the head. She placed a hand on it and felt it twitch, and he groaned, a low, deep sound. Behind her, Robbie was hard too, his erection flush up against her ass. Feeling bold, she moved her hips from side to side, rubbing up against him.
Before she knew it, she was tearing off Roy’s underwear, letting his erection spring free. He huffed out a breath and pulled her forward, bringing her breasts to his mouth. Her own panties were being pulled down off her hips by Robbie, and he gave an appreciative little laugh.
“Wow, you’re definitely wet down there, aren’t you?” His hand snaked around to stroke her clit, two fingers in a v-shape on either side of it. Up and down.
“Ah…mmm. If you ate me out…you could find out for yourself.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
She got on all fours and started trailing kisses down Roy’s chest and towards his navel, tonguing skin. It wasn’t much of a surprise when he fisted his fingers in her hair and pushed her head downwards, towards his cock.
“I want that pretty little mouth around my head right now.” He was breathing hard, his tip slick with beads of precum. “Swallowing all of me. As much as you can take.”
“Right away, doctor.”
Truth be told, Kelley was a little nervous. She wasn’t all that experienced in the way of blowjobs, because her ex hadn’t been crazy about them. But by god, she was going to try her best, because this was Dr. Connor, and the guy deserved it. Luckily, she’d had a bit to drink and it was helping her feel a little more uninhibited.
As she blew on the head, teasing the man under her, Robbie’s mouth found the space between her thighs. And holy hell, it was amazing. She groaned a little at the feeling, warm and wet. Her mouth was on Roy’s cock now, tongue swirling around the tip, and he was breathing unevenly. She felt Robbie behind her, spreading her cheeks, tongue probing and stroking upwards in long, slow swipes. God, it felt so good, her legs were shaking. What had she even been worried about? She was so aroused, so determined to make them enjoy everything as much as she was. There was no room in her head to be nervous.