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They Got Her Pregnant! Page 9

  “So this is the last time I will be seeing you?” Dr. Waterman asked as she put on her coat. He had checked and she had suddenly changed her medical provider. So much for having a long connection with an employee of a huge law firm. But she was married and clearly paranoid about anyone discovering their torrid love affair and losing her young kids.

  “Goodbye doctor,” she smiled but it didn’t meet her eyes as the tramp fled.

  “She was a tubby thing anyway and loose as hell,” he mumbled looking over his notes. He was usually excellent at picking out the women willing to enter his web. Several lasted for years as he got every favor out of them that he could. Until they were dried husks in heat who were willing to bring others his way just to get an appreciative nod from him. In the real world men where the alphas and women the betas knowing their place was in the back.

  Dr. Waterman was six feet tall with brown skin from the Indian heritage on his mother’s side. She had been a successful fashion designer from India when she met his father, a successful American surgeon. She made him a custom suit and the rest was history. He was the eldest of four children with a successful practice. Loving the idea of holding life in the palm of his hands it was natural to become a doctor. His father would prefer another surgeon but Indigo never liked the idea of having to regularly cut people open for a living. He wanted to help keep people whole not cut them up and pray he could put them back together with a pulse. Anytime his father lost a patient it was clear how much the guilt weighed heavily.

  There was also the advantage of having access to so many women in need of a man’s strong hand. Too many husbands and boyfriends had bought into the idea of letting females run things meant for men. Females were left overworked and in need of a heavy hand to remind them of their true wants. To be dominated and cared for. Families were rushing to divorce, men were not willing to take responsibility. So much had turned upside down since all that over liberal nonsense made it seem as if there was no need for order anywhere. Not that he was a true conservative either. Marrying and staying with one person for life was a ridiculous notion. His mother had several private suitors and his father had a few affairs before becoming so engrossed in work that all time spared was for the wife alone.

  Indigo looked over the schedule he had for the rest of the week. It was great to be back from the cruise. Travelling was enjoyable with all the chances of meeting new people and developing great connections. Work was a part of going after all. Still he found time for play and took part in multiple sexcapades including orgies and leather play. All work and no play would turn him into his father or worse. Wealthy as the elder surgeon Waterman was, Indigo could tell his father was less fulfilled. He was determined not to fall into that intrepid trap.

  A new patient was coming in tomorrow. Well new to him since he was now back at work after the cruise. He had found her profile online and admired her hourglass physique. Christine Evans was unwed with a son but fighting back against a penny pinching ex-fiance. He could never stand the men who refused to care for their spawn and the women who bore them. Don’t want kids, then don’t knock a woman up. She was also ambitious fighting all obstacles to enter university to gain a degree and better her financial and educational standing. Better yet she was not some super feminist or bitter man hating female. Her friend and babysitter Ester did raise eyebrows since that woman was an extreme liberal declaring a life of no romantic relationships. But it didn’t seem that Christine was following that outrageous path.

  In fact he was certain she was looking for the right man to sweep her off his feet. With heavy interest in fairytales and soap operas, he was certain she was looking for an adventure. But even better, a dashing hero. Having to work hard with a child on her arm, there was no doubt he could win her over. Checking her dating profile she wanted a man five foot eight or taller with a steady job, certain physical attributes and treated women with respect. The last one amused him most since each woman had her own unique definition of respect from a man. Finding Christine’s was a challenge he was salivating to figure out and conquer.

  “See you tomorrow Christine Evans,” Indigo grinned as he eyed the online picture on the computer screen, “I will have you screaming my name and begging for more in no time.”


  Chrissie waited to be called. She was surprised to see that Dr. Waterman’s patients seemed to be mostly women. Hardly any over forty either. It had to be a coincidence, doctors could never sort their patients like that. The medical profession would never give one man so much unfettered control. Yet she could not help looking at the colorful array of beautiful women waiting with her. The doctor had his own separate waiting room with soothing music, up to date magazines, free sparkling water or punch and a lovely selection of Bollywood films.

  She was glad to finally be getting the flu shot. Her regular chances of getting sick was usually half and half. But with a child that tilted some of the factors. Alex’s father always ensured he got his flu shot on time. Now with her improved medical package it was much easier and in a way cleaner environment. If only all hospitals had this level of quality just in their waiting room alone. She had drank punch three times and no one batted an eye.The next time she took water enjoying how cold and refreshing it was. If this was what waiting was like she was anticipating how meeting Dr. Waterman was going to turn out.

  “Dr. Waterman will see you now Ms. Evans,” the receptionist called her name.

  Chrissie made an extra effort to straighten her skirt as she rose. It was then she noticed the women were staring. A few even smirked. She hurried off hoping she was imagining things.

  “Good Afternoon Christine,” Dr. Waterman shook her hand upon entry to his office, “please take a seat. With my new patients I always have a small chat before starting treatment.”

  Chrissie watched him use a swipe card on the door. It went from a green light to blue. Not sure what that meant she focused on enjoying the cushiony seat she now sat in.

  “Comfortable? So Christine Evans, tell me a bit about yourself,” Dr. Waterman asked.

  “Oh, I am a mother to one son,” Chrissie started, “I work part time, I really like fashion, soap operas, in between relationships and when I was a little girl I wanted to be an astronaut.”

  “You are concise,” Dr. Waterman raised an eyebrow, “are you sure there’s nothing else you want to share. I myself love to travel, be around smart beautiful people, always knew I was going into medicine, hate Bollywood movies, stereotypes and outdated rules and people.”

  Chrissie giggled. “I didn’t know that people could become outdated. That issue only happens with my apps.” She was enjoying talking freely with her new doctor, he was really nice.

  “I doubt that, people are always falling behind on the times, current events, beliefs,” Dr. Waterman stated, “every few years I purge my friends to see who still makes the cut. Those who can’t accept my sensibilities and beliefs get sent packing for new and better comrades.”

  “Well I think having people who disagree with you can be a good thing,” Christine smiled, “my friend Sandra and I butt heads often but I know she’s only looking out for me. Plus sometimes she is actually right and I’m grateful for her input. Friends are a variety.”

  “Really?” Dr. Waterman chuckled, “I hope to change your mind on that but let’s move on.”

  Chrissie found that line a but perplexing but obeyed his instructions. First he did a regular check up which she fully cooperated with. Whenever his hands touched her she felt a warm soothing feeling throughout her body. As if he knew how to make her body react.

  “I am glad to see that you have been taking care of yourself,” Dr. Waterman said, “never let anyone tell you that letting yourself go is a good idea. Looking your best is an asset.”

  As much as Chrissie wanted to say that this was inappropriate, she couldn’t. Something about his domineering nature made her feel obligated to please him. His voice and touches were making her panties and wet and
he had not done anything out of hand to her physically. Yet emotionally she was feeling more invested in this doctor every second. She wanted to learn everything about him in every way. Perhaps it was wrong but maybe it was time to leave convention behind and take the plunge. Physically he was definitely worth it.

  The doctor then had her sit up and get ready for the flu shot. He gave her a smile before releasing the injection. It stung a little but that was nothing. To her surprise afterwards he gave her a postcard with him in doctor’s garb standing by his lexus. “A reward.”

  Chrissie blushed holding it close. The last time she got rewards for taking a shot was during her childhood. This doctor was as unconventional as you could get. Which was also why she wanted him more than ever. Jeremy was nothing like that, a nasty man with no character. Dr. Waterman was a consummate professional who treated his patients with kindness.

  “Your blood sugar is a little high,” Dr. Waterman brought her crashing to reality, “have you been having extra sweets, maybe dipping into your child’s candy stash?”

  Chrissie’s face burned. “I don’t..”

  “Come back in a week so I can see if things have stabilized,” Dr. Waterman told her, “otherwise you did well but don’t disappoint me Christina.”

  “Chrissie,” she said without thinking, “my friends call me Chrissie.”

  “Then I guess I should call you Christine then,” Dr. Waterman led her out, “seeing as you are grown and I’m your doctor.”

  Christine’s face burned. She was not sure how to absorb all of this. Wanting him seemed so wrong but right now he invaded her every thought. She had to do better with her sugar levels and maybe even restrict some of Alex’s intake as well. Sandra loved giving him candy. Perhaps she needed to look over friends like Dr. Waterman said. Make some real changes.


  Chrissie followed all of Dr. Waterman’s instructions. It had been three months since she started visiting him and already she was seeing great changes in her life. Letting Alex stay longer with Ester gave her more alone time and lessened stress. Taking a stricter look at her diet, friendships and contacts helped purge the people who didn’t fit this new life. Sandra had called her multiple times trying to make up. Stating that Chrissie was acting strange and ignoring all her friends. She just ignored the calls like her doctor had instructed. Blocking only showed that you were weak. The enemy usually tired out eventually and went away.

  Jeremy was given more responsibility and she stayed civil with him no matter what. Alex was instructed to tell him stepmother anytime her children started trouble and Chrissie ensured top drop hints about poor parenting when calling to check in. Soon Alex told her that no one teasing him anymore. But he was sad they also refused to play with him. She just told him to forget those losers and focus on friends back home. Alex soon became less interested in going and focused more on his time spent with Ester after school. Everything was going well.

  Chrissie’s next appointment was to check on her weight progress. Her doctor had suggested it and said it was completely optional. She jumped at the chance to please him yet again.

  “I see that you have been shedding some weight,” Dr. Waterman weighed her, “I’m proud of you Christine. Also thanks for accepting my friend request last week on Facebook.”

  “I was surprised when you messaged me,” Chrissie recalled, “doctors don’t usually do that.”

  “Well I’m not the usual doctor, in fact, why not call me Indigo when we are alone,” he said.

  She felt the heat rush to her face. “Use your first name with the doctor at the front? I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. I don’t want to give you any disrespect.”

  Indigo chuckled. “I’m asking you to. It’s no disrespect at all. Unless maybe, you hate my name. I understand some are culturally ignorant to having unusual names spoken.”

  “Not at all Dr. Waterman,” Chrissie feared he would send her away, “I mean Indigo.”

  Dr. Waterman grinned as if she had passed a test. “Very well, I will finish up the tests and let you know my findings,” he sent her back to sit. His words were like water in a desert and she hung unto every syllable. When he told her she had done well it was great news.

  “I hope that I am not being too forward,” Indigo peeked up at her, “are you single?”

  Chrissie took a gulp. “Yes, I have stayed away from long term relationships.”

  “Good, you should never force yourself into unnecessary complications,” Indigo agreed, “I saw that you kept in touch with a few of your exes online. I like that, being mature enough not to let frayed feelings take over being an adult and moving forward.”

  “You looked through my…” Chrissie started but stopped, “thank you, I never thought a man could be so thorough.”

  “Oh yes I almost forgot, I am having a celebration at my house this weekend,” Indigo said, “I don’t post special events online until after I have attended. Safety reasons you know.”

  “Of course, and yes I would love to come,” Chrissie said.

  “Thank you, and not to be too forward. I was friended by someone who seems to be related to your exes new family. Seems they’re planning a three day weekend to Disneyland,” Indigo noted, “I had no intention to pry but they are a fan of my posts and it just came up.”

  “Yes I heard about that, Alex doesn’t really want to go. Seems to have issues with his siblings,” Chrissie rose to leave.

  “Well consider it and I will text you the details,” Indigo said, “take care Christine.”


  Indigo waited on the balcony to see when Christine would arrive. She was nearly an hour late but he didn’t fret. Online she stated she was going to a fun event over the weekend and this morning she was getting ready. He just hoped that the brat didn’t get in the way. What kind of kid didn’t want to visit Disneyland because of a skirmish with siblings? A weakling.

  A red toyota pulled up and he smiled. His butler would lead her inside. After fifteen minutes he went down to see his latest conquest. “Christine you are here. I thought you ditched me.”

  “Never, I had to get Alex to let go of me and leave with his father,” Christine sighed, “can you believe that Jeremy had the nerve to suggest that maybe Alex should stay?”

  “Glad you set him straight,” Indigo led her past his small group of guests, “we have all kinds of lovely food and later there will be a lot of dancing. What do you think?”

  “Perfect for a princess,” Chrissie sighed, “the high ceilings make everything seem bigger.”

  “Indeed, may I interest you in a tour of the house?” Indigo offered his hand.

  “Of course,” Chrissie brightened up, “it would be an honor.”

  Indigo started with showing her places like the study and his kitchen. He enjoyed seeing her eyes widen at all the luxury. Women loved men with money no matter what they claimed. When it was time to show the bedrooms, he saved his main bedroom for last. It was mostly in bold colors and he noticed her eyeing his massive king size bed. “You like?”

  Chrissie jumped. “It’s all so wonderful. I can’t believe you live like this.”

  “I do,” Indigo closed the bedroom door, “tell me Christine, what do you think of me?”

  Her face burned. “I, I think you are a great man. Really smart, kind and respectful.”

  “Handsome too right?” Indigo added and she blushed, “it’s okay, I think you look dazzling in that blue dress and grey pumps. Did you know blue is one of my favorite colors?”

  “No,” Chrissie never looked him in the eye, “shouldn’t we be getting back to the party?”

  “Why? We have everything we need right here,” Indigo kissed her hand, “if you want to.”

  Chrissie’s eyes went wide. “Yes, please take me. I have wanted you for so long.”

  Indigo caught her lips and kissed ravenously. He knew she would be bursting to be with him. Her need was like a delicious perfume he could smell for hours. Flinging her on
the bed, he ordered her to undress and he did the same. She did so without hesitation.

  “Your breasts are full and beautiful,” Indigo leaned over her, “they are mine new,” he growled.

  “Yes, I am yours,” Chrissie said biting her lip. The mere act sent a yearning to his cock. He wanted to force it into that same mouth and watch her suck it to orgasm like a good girl.

  Indigo took each nipple in his mouth and tugged. Enjoying the squeals she made in response. He was going to ravage her in every way possible. After moulding and lusting after this woman, she was finally his to screw and command.


  Chrissie couldn’t believe what was happening right now. Indigo had her on his plush sheets as he bit her nipples. The pleasure radiating through her body was unbearable yet also felt so good. “Yes, bit me, suck me, fuck me! I am yours to do anything you please.”