They Got Her Pregnant! Read online

Page 11

  Suddenly, the air becomes thick. Her boss emerges from his office. His eyes are as dark as a storm cloud.

  “In my office now”, he bellows.

  She goes into his office and he shuts the door.

  “That kind of behaviour is unacceptable. I cannot have thin skinned people working here. This is a steakhouse. We cater to all sorts. You know that.”

  “I’m sorry sir, it won’t happen again”, Natalie offered.

  “You’re damn right it won’t because you’re fired”, he said.

  “No please sir, please I won’t ever mess up again. I can’t do without this job. I need it”, she said.

  “I don’t want to hear it. Come back tomorrow to collect your last pay check. Don’t even clean up. I will pay you for the day, just get outta my sight”, he said using a final tone.

  It was over. She walked over to Sue and wordlessly gave her a hug before grabbing her things and heading home. When she got to her apartment, she grabbed a drink from the fridge and plopped into the couch, staring listlessly at the television. No use turning it on to increase her electricity bill. It is now nine thirty and Emily looks around her empty apartment, dreading what the future holds.

  At ten o clock she gets up, takes a shower, prepares for bed and falls into a deep dreamless sleep. She doesn’t wake until six o clock the next morning. Remembering she doesn’t have to go to work Emily stays in the bed. But she didn’t stay there long she wasn’t used to sleeping in. Being a creature of habit Emily drags herself out of bed and makes breakfast after only thirty minutes. Although her future is uncertain, she is unusually cheerful. She gets into the shower and on coming out she reaches for her uniform blouse. “Today is going to be a long day”, she thought. “Well I can wear this uniform for the last time”. She heads to the steakhouse.

  When she gets to the steakhouse, it is chaotic, to say the least. She finds Sue and asks her what is going on. Sue explained that the boss found out yesterday that the bank had sold off his debt to some guy who was moving into the area and that was probably why he fired her; but no one had expected the takeover quite so soon. Emily wonders what this means for her. Desperate to keep her job, she decides to go about her business like nothing happened, hoping her new boss, whoever he is, won't notice.

  Sue gives her a small smile when she realizes what Emily is planning to do then she tells the workers to gather in the center to meet the new boss. They stand in anticipation, when a man emerges from the manager's office, and Emily’s heart skips a beat, realizing that her new boss is in fact her mystery man.

  “Good morning, I am Tristan Haddox and I will be your new manager. Feel free to drop by the office to address your serious concerns. Please write down all other matters, we will discuss them at our staff meeting next Monday. I know all of you from your files so back to work”, he said.

  “What about this broad, she don’t work here no more”, Jake began.

  “Respect is one of my core values and none of my staff will disrespect Emily or anyone else for that matter; at least not on the job, or else you will no longer be considered staff. Understood?” he asked in the same slow deliberate way one would speak to a child. Jake must feel like the load he was his head hung in shame she watched as Haddox slowly and deliberately walked towards him and whispered “if you ever come at Emily again in any way, shape or form I will kick your ass then I will fire you and then kick your ass again. Back to work everyone.” He said out loud again walking away

  They all nodded reluctantly; meanwhile Emily sat in the corner stood in a corner dumfounded too confused to even blush at the man who stood up for her.

  “Miss Singh may I have a word”, he said nodding at Emily.

  Her heart skipped a beat. This was it. He was going to fire her AGAIN and she would be living on the streets and never have a chance to be with him. He shut the door and she jumped. He turned toward her and smiled she wrapped her arms around herself and he smiled he realized that she was genuinely afraid.

  “Can I trust you?” he began.

  “Yes sir, but I can explain”, she pleaded.

  “No need Miss Singh. I found something that belongs to you”, he said while pushing the pay check toward her.

  She didn’t want to take it. She needed this job. She looked up at him, the smile gone from her face and her bottom lip began to quiver. He swore in his head, he could’ve kicked himself; of course she’d think he was firing her. He couldn’t quite understand why she had been fired in the first place. She was the fourth longest serving employee and she didn’t have so much as a memo in her file. In fact, she didn’t have anything but pay slips in her file, not even a vacation request. What’s more she was grossly underpaid. Her years of service alone qualified her for more and he got the picture she was barely scraping by.

  “What I meant to say was, this is yours and you can continue working for me if you wish; in fact, I would really appreciate it if you did”, he said. Slowly he explained to her all he found, as well she was entitled and what this now meant for her.

  “You just need to promise me you won’t tell anyone. You can’t have anyone hearing about this you know what they would say, I have already made it super obvious that I have taken a shine to you. Never seen anything like you in all my life”, he continued as if nit even realizing he was speaking out loud.

  She couldn’t speak. He looked at her expectantly but what was she to say, she flung herself into his arms. He hugged her awkwardly, taken by surprise. He righted his stance and took her into his arms properly. Then she realized it was not one of her daydreams, this was real. His hands were really around her waist, he was actually there in person touching her. She inhaled his musky scent before jumping back, as if she had been burned, looking apologetic. She had lost he self.

  “I’m sorry”, she offered. “I don’t know what came over me, well I know what came over me but I shouldn’t have let it. I am truly sorry.”

  “It’s understandable. You agreed not to tell anyone right?” he said his eyes dancing.

  She shook her head, blushing she stumbled out of the office. For the first time since she started working here, she felt safe. She went back to working her tables and was halfway through the remaining hours of her shift, when she heard a commotion. She also heard bikes approaching the restaurant. There are gunshots. Haddox comes running out.

  “Everybody get down”, he orders running out back.

  At the same instant her ex-boss barges in through the front with his gun trained on her.

  “Move and I’ll shoot”, he says.

  The fat lards from the day before are behind him engaged in a gun battle with some other bikers. She hears two gunshots almost simultaneously and the fat lards fall to the floor dead. Where her ex-boss is, though, he can’t be shot from the front.

  “Give it up man. War’s over”, Haddox says as he walks in with his gun trained on him.

  In one swift movement her ex-boss grabs her in a chokehold, using her as a body shield. Haddox looks at her for a quick second before planting a bullet smack in the middle of her ex-boss’ head. His grip on her loosened as he fell to the floor, dead.

  She sank to her knees after realizing she had not been shot. Here she was, in her waitress uniform, covered in her former boss’ blood. There was no love lost between them but she was badly shaken up. “What could have caused all this?” she asked but she could faintly hear herself. Haddox moves towards her. She bursts into tears and he pulls her to his chest comforting her. He puts her to sit and she hears a grating noise and sees black. She had no idea what took place. When she came to she was in a bed. Thought bed was unfamiliar to her.

  “Sleeping beauty’s finally awake”, she hears someone say.

  She looks down at herself. The clothes don’t look familiar. She doesn’t know where she is. She tries to get out of bed but her head is pounding. She looks up to see Haddox carrying a small bowl.

  “It’s some chicken broth. It will make you feel better. Sorry about today”, h
e said while shaking his head. She was sorry too but not surprised she was haunted by bad luck.

  She drinks the broth while he looks on. She tries to turn but a cramp in her leg prevents her. Slowly he stoops to help her, his face was really close to hers. She feels his hot breath on her neck as he assists her.

  She became frightened she was in the house of a strange man as much as she dreamed of this when it finally came down to it he was genuinely afraid. She says, “Mr Haddox, Please don’t take advantage of me”.

  “Call me Tristan”. He said.

  He assured her that his intentions were honourable. He had only brought her here since she didn’t have a listed next of kin and he wanted to be sure she was ok. Taking her and dropping her off at her apartment while she was unconscious might have been a dick move. They fell into conversation and talked at length. He told her of his life and how he had gotten here. He coaxed her to talk about her childhood and it all came tumbling out, the tragedies, abuse and betrayals. Her life sounded terrible, even to her. She was weeping bitterly and for some reason she ached to be home she had never worn her heart on her sleeve or anyone before except Sue buts he didn’t count and here she was pouring out her all to a complete stranger.

  She hadn’t meant to cry, at least not in front of Tristan but the tears escaped. She was so embarrassed. She turned her face away but he saw the tears. As tough as he was, he just could not watch this woman cry. He wanted to hit something but he did the next best; he gathered her up into his arms rocking her and crooning as one would to a child. Her silent tears turned to gulping sobs which she desperately sought to control.

  She cried for the many days and nights she didn’t.

  She cried for the loss of a job she didn’t care about anyway.

  She cried for the fact that she almost died.

  Most of all she cried for this man. The kindness he had done to her which she could never repay. She cried for the way he made her feel. She cried because one of the saddest days of her life had one of the happiest endings. She cried because she didn’t want it to end.

  As the sobs wracked Emily’s body, she began to feel foolish what exactly did she didn’t want to end? They haven’t started a thing. She rolled her eyes at herself. Tristan whispered sweet nothings to her. Never before in his life had he felt so helpless, he had no clue exactly what to say and it ached him badly he decide to just let her be. She fell quiet and he realized she had fallen asleep. He laid her on his bed while he sat on the sofa watching her sleep. It was hard to believe anyone could be unkind to this woman. He could see her beauty, inward and outward and he hoped she would give him the chance to show her just how much he loved what he saw.

  She stirred forty minutes later and he feigned sleep. Although she was half asleep, a giggle escaped her lips.

  “I caught you staring alright”, she said stretching and turning to face him.

  She was met with silence and even breathing.

  “I know you’re not sleeping and I can prove it”, she said as she padded over to the sofa. Her bare feet making a soft tapping sound on the wooden floor she noticed how beautiful the floor was and marvelled at it for a moment.

  She put her fingertips on his eyelashes. She blew in his ears. She traced his face. Then she stepped back and studied his face. It had a few scars here and there which complemented his handsome features. Even the crook in his nose, from being broken in one bar fight too many, was a part of the catch. He had a tan, no doubt, due to his time outdoors in the sun and wind. He had a symmetrical face with chiselled brows.

  His gash of a mouth was so sexy when upturned in a smile but made him look murderous when he scowled or was angry. It was a deep shade of pink, just like a refreshing watermelon on a hot day. She blushed lightly at the thought. She traced the outline of his lips. It seemed like an invitation to a treat, one she definitely wouldn’t pass up. She moved in to close the gap between their lips. It was the hot breath against his lips that did it.

  His arms came up around her. His eyes fluttered open, like someone who was just awakening from sleep, but, the twinkle they held and the cocky grin on his lips told her he was pretending. She froze staring at him wide eyed like a deer caught in the headlights, inwardly flinching, expecting an insult. It never came. Instead he crashed his lips into hers. He wasn’t afraid and this made her feel brave.

  There was no way he was letting her kiss him first. What would that do for his bad boy image?

  He nibbled gently on her lower lip, using his tongue to trace the outline of her lips. She closed her eyes feeling all the feelings she had only ever imagined. He deepened the kiss. She clung to him like her life depended on it. This was her chance to be brave lifting her very revealing shirt she sat on top of him he took the que and took action. The sweet feeling soon filled her and she closed hers “here’s to forever” he said thrusting deep inside of her and stilling. “Here’s to new beginnings”, she thought before they fell asleep – satiated.

  The end.


  Description: Reagan just graduated college and she is getting her first job as a nurse at the hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. She is working under a lead doctor at the hospital, Dr. Slater. Dr. Slater is tall, fit, and ruggedly handsome. Reagan immediately notices that everyone reveres and respects Dr. Slater; he is a true alpha male. Dr Slater specialises in pregnant women and deliveries. He wants to conduct an experiment, but he needs a woman to impregnate. He doesn't just want to impregnate any woman she must be gorgeous and intelligent. When he meets Reagan for the first time he knows she is the one, now he is on a mission to seduce and impregnate his new nurse.


  ‘’Hey there, now come one, I need to get a picture of all you guys together’’- said Jackson while getting his camera ready.

  ‘’At last my daughter, a graduated college student, a soon to nurse and a famous doctor one day.’’

  ‘’Dad come on. I just want to say to you to mom and to Toby that I am glad that I could make you all proud of me.’’

  The ceremony was filled with colours, professors, elite students and famous personalities from the medical area of Atlanta Georgia. Reagan was a fresh out of college student whom was exciting to start a new chapter in her life: to be a nurse and to be able to help others with her knowledge, kindness and beauty because she is indeed a stunning woman.

  Reagan grew up and turned into a witty, sexy female. With legs for days, a blonde Rapunzel hair and cute little green eyes, with freckles all over her cheeks, and heart-shaped lips. Now she was not a typical Barbie doll and underneath the beautiful exterior, inside there was nothing but love and a huge empathy for the poor and people whom were suffering.

  Her parents sacrificed a lot in order for Reagan to be able to stay in college and study. Her younger brother Toby was a middle school precocious boy whom looked up to his sister and he was even working at an antique shop during the summers to help Reagan achieve her goals.

  First day at the hospital came with tons of emotions for Reagan. She wanted to succeed and please everybody. Becoming close with two fellow co-workers, Sarah and Michelle, Reagan’s day went on without too much trouble.

  Her shift was close to end when Sarah told her that the doctor responsible for them is new as well and he wants to meet them and explain a few things.

  ‘’Hello dear colleagues, my name is Richard Slater, Doctor Slater for you. Transferred from Miami here to Atlanta, 32 years old, a pretty impressive CV, not to brag about it, especially in the fertility area; I would like for you to be as open as possible with me, fear of nothing and any issues or problems you might have, come forwards. Now please take a seat. I know you are tired and wish to go home, therefore I will try to be as brief as possible.’’

  Reagan’s heart was beating out of her chest. This doctor was tall, fit, a true alpha male. His creamy hazelnut coloured eyes and manly hands, yet the skin was so soft and clean. He was screaming virility through his pores. Slater knows damn well how to make an entrance and
everybody is respecting him.

  While he was explaining all the nurses on his shift a couple of things, Richard noticed the shy and yet excited nurse sitting on a chair and taking notes on her little notebook. He looked at her. Underneath the white uniform, he saw some killer legs and a small delicate red rose tattoo adorning her upper left thigh. Her constant twirl of a tuft and bite of her lower lip made him curious to see the rest of her body and what could be sitting beneath the clothes.

  ‘’So this is all for the day. You are dismissed and I will see you tomorrow.’’

  ‘’Ok Doctor Slater. ‘’

  Reagan was the last one to exit the room and while making her way towards the door, she tripped and fell down to the floor, spreading the pieces of paper stored in the notebook.

  ‘’Here let me help you nurse.’’

  ‘’Oh I do apologise for my clumsiness Doctor Slater.’’

  ‘’Please there’s nothing to be sorry about. It happens.’’

  He touched her hands by accident and Reagan’s heart dropped all the way down to her stomach. His smile and gentle touch was just perfection. She felt as if she was unable to breath and her lungs were filled with fluid. For the first time Reagan was hit by Cupid hard. But this man was basically her boss and her chief to put it like that.