They Got Her Pregnant! Read online

Page 12

  On the other hand, Richard was blown away. An aroma of fresh delicate white roses surrounded him and it was coming from this hot nurse.

  ‘’There you go it’s all taken care of.’’

  ‘’Thank you Doctor.’’

  ‘’Which part of the city are you heading to?’’

  ‘’The Corona neighbourhood.’’

  ‘’Oh how nice and convenient because I am heading in that direction as well. I can give you a lift nurse?’’

  ‘’Johnson, Reagan Johnson. ‘’

  ‘’Well nice to meet you Reagan. Just give me 10 minutes to change my uniform and we are good to go.’’

  Reagan couldn’t believe her ears. She was already sold out to this handsome doctor and finding out that they were practically neighbours, was making her go ballistic inside and it was a real struggle for her to dissimulate in front of him.

  On their way home, Richard kept on asking Reagan about the area, the customs of the Southerners and why is she so keen on having a career as a nurse. 25 minutes later, they arrived at Reagan’s house and as soon as Richard pulled his car on her driveway, the left front tyre of his car just crashed.

  ‘’Oh my God. Talk about bad luck. Do you know of any service nearby? I moved a week

  ago from Miami so between shifts at the hospital and nothing but sleep back home I wasn’t paying too much attention around.’’

  ‘’There is one, but you would have to walk 20 miles to get to it unfortunately.’’

  ‘’Damn it, and I forgot my phone back at the hospital.’’

  ‘’Don’t worry. Mine is working, it’s in my pocket but the battery is dead. The charger is inside. And once I get the phone turned on, you can call someone to come fix the tyre.’’

  ‘’Yes that would be alright. It seems that there’s going to be a hell of a storm soon.’’

  They walked inside the house and Richard was pleasantly surprised. It was clean, cosy and it offered him such a nice warm feeling. Reagan plugged her phone to the charger and after 5 minutes or so, all hell broke loose outside. A heavy storm came down the city. The wind was dancing through the trees, bending the branches all the way down to the ground and the rain drops were hitting with an immense strength the windows of the house.

  ‘’Oh my God, Jesus what’s going on outside?’’

  Both Reagan and Richard were looking outside through the living-room window and suddenly the power was off.

  ‘’Well Doctor Slater the phone is dead now and for good.’’

  ‘’I don’t know who would have come on this storm whatsoever.’’

  ‘’Come. I have some candles in the kitchen and I will serve you some hot tea. It’s the least I can do for you since I’ve ‘’trapped’’ you here, unintentionally.’’

  ‘’That sounds nice. You’re living all by yourself here?- asked Richard while taking his coat off.

  ‘’No. I live with my parents still and my younger brother. They are in Toronto, visiting my grandparents, my mother’s parents. They’ll arrive the day after tomorrow.’’

  The cups of tea were empty, but the storm outside was giving no signs of fading away.

  Reagan prepared the couch in the living room for the handsome doctor to rest and she walked up the stairs towards her room.

  It was 11 pm and she struggled to find a comfortable position to sleep and the noises outside were not doing her a favour at all; she heard a knock on her door a couple of minutes later and went to see what was going on.

  ‘’Sorry to disturb you, but I need an extra pillow.’’

  ‘’Yes sure. There are some down in the spare room.’’

  Lightings were dancing up in the sky and when Reagan handed Richard the pillow she knew what was coming. It’s like her body and her senses were telling her to let the guard down and surrender to Richard who was already placing his hands on her naked vulnerable shoulders.

  She trembled but that didn’t stop him from holding her tight in his arms. They were sitting straight, up, looking at one another through the darkness. Both of them were aware of the chemistry between their bodies and that it’s time to release it all in the open.

  Their first kiss was intense. He knew what he was doing with his mouth. Those deep French kisses he was offering made Reagan wet ASAP. It’s strange because there’s no way in hell she would be in love with him. No love at first sight here. It was that kind of chemistry you get with a man of a woman and you have great sex laps, amazing conversations but somehow you crash with one another when it comes down to solidify it all into a relationship. Or at least that’s what Reagan thought.

  Richard asked her to sit on the wooden DWR chair near the coffee table and he got down on his knees. She knew that her cunt was in for a treat. He took off her sheer white panties and spread out her legs then walked his tongue all over her starting from the neck down. He massaged and caressed her breasts, licked her nipples as they were sweet candy while his fingers were busy rubbing her clitoris and made her cunt even moister.

  It felt amazing. Her body was on a roller-coaster of lust, emotions and desire for more. He thrusted her out of the blue, with no warning, no nothing. Reagan screamed out of instinct but Richard placed his hand on top of her mouth and continued fucking her brains out.

  Against the chilling and dreadful storm outside, inside Reagan was on cloud nine. This was a real alpha male who knew how to offer pleasure to a woman, he was no typical horny guy in his 20s.

  He walked his fingers on top of her lips while being on top of her and she sucked them as if they were lollipops. There were fireworks in the living-room, everything was screaming hormones, the fire was vivid, real and their breaths were up and down. Reagan was naked, feeling vulnerable, her skin turned from a perfect Snow White delicate flawless one into a red fiery.

  She was caressing his back with her delicate tiny hands and he loved every single minute of it. He came all over her abs and for a good 5 minutes he was still staying on top of her, breathing in and out like crazy while her hands were caressing his thick black hair.

  ‘’I… want to apologise for…’’

  ‘’Hey don’t. It’s nothing. This was just… I think it’s the weather’s fault. No power, nothing to do.’’

  ‘’Reagan I think it’s called chemistry and lust.’’

  That’s when the lights in the living room came to life. The power was on and that’s when they both looked into each other’s eyes. Reagan was pressed against his rough body and his hands were holding on to her waist as if his life was depending on that.

  ‘’So I guess I can make that call since the phone is charging and looks like the storm is over. I have some papers I need to grab for tomorrow and I’m thinking it’s best if I head home. ‘’

  ‘’Yeah and…um… the bathroom is down the hallway for you to clean up if you wish.’’

  ‘’We can walk together towards the bathroom if you wish.’’

  They took a shower together at Richard’s suggestion. Reagan’s mind was going into a million directions. While he was sitting next to the vanity, wiping the excess water from his sculptured body, she was still in the shower, hiding in a way and peaking from time to time to check on him and his actions.

  ‘’How is this handsome doctor still alone? What’s wrong with him? I… oh my God I can’t be in love with him, he’s my boss basically and my job means the world to me. But what are we going to do tomorrow? How are we going to handle business? Am I going to be serious, or he’s going to flirt with me?’’

  But her thoughts were brutally interrupted by his kisses.

  ‘’Hey there welcome back to Earth. You seemed so distant.’’

  ‘’Oh was I? Sorry. Could you pass me a towel?’’

  ‘’Yes sure. I’ll head out first to get dressed.’’

  Reagan hurried and grabbed a long saggy T-shirt on her and took her phone in order to make the call.

  ‘’I think it’s way too late now to call the workshop but I have a close friend who
’s a mechanic.’’

  ‘’Oh you’re right. It’s 01.30 already. Our shift at the hospital is at 08.00 sharp.’’

  ‘’I know Doctor Slater.’’

  They both started to laugh.

  ‘’Victor can be here in 10 minutes.’’

  ‘’Great. You should go and get some rest to be fresh for the day.’’

  Reagan went upstairs in her bedroom and 15 minutes later she was peeking through the window outside, looking at Doctor Slater helping Victor fix the tyre. Everything was perfection when it came down to this man.

  By 3 am she was sleeping like a baby in her bed. When the alarm woke her up, Reagan felt as if a ton of bricks fell on top of her. Her legs were numb and she knew they were like this due to the sex lap she had with Richard.

  It was 8.10 when she got to the hospital and as soon as she walked through the doors of the lockers, she saw Doctor Slater making his daily routine and calling out all nurses to write them down in the register.

  ‘’Excuse me, I was held up in traffic. The taxi driver did his best to not be later and I…’’

  ‘’Therefore in the future you should start thinking to leave the house earlier and avoid certain highways and traffic jams right?’’- and Richard turned around to look at her.

  ‘’Yes of course. It won’t happen again.’’

  Reagan was confused. He knew exactly why she was late and thought that maybe he would be a bit sympathetic with her. After all, he was inside her and all over her tits the night before.

  It was noon and so far the day was calm, no emergencies, just a few babies with fever and a couple of check outs for 5 pregnant ladies. The maternity section and working with future moms and babies was something Reagan fell in love ever since she was a little girl. Her maternal instinct developed quite fast and she kept on dreaming from time to time how nice would it be to have a little bundle of joy to take care of and a loving supporting husband. But her job, career had to be first in line for now.

  ‘’Nurse, I need the file on Pecks right away.’’

  ‘’Yes Doctor Slater, I’ll look for it in your office.’’

  ‘’Tell Nurse Johnson to prepare the consultation bed and to sterilise the speculum and tweezers.’’

  ‘’Right away.’’

  Sarah told Reagan to go inside the consultation room and to get it ready for the Pecks. With the entire equipment ready, she made her way towards the door just when Richard opened it. Reagan expected nothing coming from his side because he ignored her pretty much all day long.

  ‘’The equipment is ready to be used Doctor Slater. I’ll head down to maternity to continue my work.’’

  But Richard slammed the door and turned the key into the lock. He dropped the files in his hands and grabbed Reagan by the waist, holding her tight and glued to his body up to the point where he was pretty much on the verge of crushing her bones, that’s how intense his embrace was.

  ‘’I need to feel you one more time Reagan. I’m going crazy and I want you so bad.’’

  ‘’Then why are you acting like this? Ignoring me on the hallways, talking with me as if nothing happened last night and…’’

  But she couldn’t finish her sentence because Richard was struggling to take off her uniform. As soon as he reached for her skin, he slammed her against the wall. His dick was rock solid, his tongue was all over her breasts, his hands were stuck in her hair, pulling it.

  Reagan wrapped her arms around his shoulders and while he was holding on to her waist, he began fucking her on and on, thrusting his dick inside her like it was their last day on Earth.

  She was scratching his back and struggled with containing herself to not scream from the top of her lungs and to moan like a lunatic because the hallway was filled with people in and out of the OBGYN section.

  Something was different this time. They were feeling it and Reagan knew what was coming. Richard was going ballistic and he couldn’t stop kissing and licking her soft perfumed neck; he came inside her because there’s no way in hell he would have been able to stop.

  ‘’Are you out of your mind?’’

  ‘’Don’t worry Reagan.’’

  ‘’How can I not worry?’’

  ‘’Just stop being so stuck up.’’

  ‘’Oh my God, I am stuck up? What if in a couple of months I’ll be wobbling around these hallways?’’

  ‘’I… just let me get out of you for a second ok?’’

  Reagan blushed and realised that she was arguing with him while his dick was still inside her and she was sitting in his arms.

  ‘’Let’s get dressed and we’ll talk about this later.’’

  Reagan’s shift ended at 8 pm. She was exhausted and could not believe that in less than 48 hours, she had sex with the new handsome doctor on the OBGYN section: in her house and in the consultation room.

  Her mother called her letting her know that they’re on their way home and asked her to stop by the store and grab something for them to eat.

  Once she got out of the store, Reagan walked towards her house, just a half of mile away. With the corner of her left eye, she kept on looking down the road. Cars were passing by, but no sign of Richard. After their sex lap back at the hospital, Richard spent the rest of the day taking care of patients and once again, he ignored her completely. But in the back of her mind, Reagan was thinking about a million ideas. Maybe he was shy and introverted or he wouldn’t want to jeopardise his job and hers which made sense.

  However Reagan thought that a phone call or a bit of an extra effort coming from his side would have been nice and the simple thought that maybe they conceived a baby was way too much to handle for her.

  After the family dinner, she went straight to bed and had no desire in listening her mother talk about the wonders of Toronto.

  ‘’Not tonight mom. I’m quite tired and I’m going to hit the sack. It’s been a long day and this week I have to be at 8 am at the hospital.’’

  ‘’Oh, ok sweetie. You can take the car. Victor called and told us that your dad’s is up and running. Fortunately nobody robbed or vandalised yours back at the airport while we were gone. ‘’

  ‘’Ok, I am glad to hear that.’’- said Reagan while climbing up the stairs.

  ‘’Hey just one more question honey. Who’s the mysterious man that came by the house? Victor told us about the storm and that he stopped by to fix a tyre and…’’

  ‘’Doctor Slater is our new ‘’leader’’ so to speak. He lives in the neighbourhood and he dropped me off that night. He wanted to check the surroundings because he’s from Miami. Long story short, he pulled into the driveway, the tyre crashed and the storm started, so I asked Victor to fix it when the clouds disappeared.’’

  Fine honey. Now go to sleep. Thank you for stopping by the store. I love you. Good night.’’

  ‘’Love you too mom. Good night.’’

  Once she hit the sack, Reagan vowed to keep distance from Richard and to start over. Her mind was scattered and she felt uncomfortable. All this situation and his coward way of dealing with this type of situations was making her unable to focus on what’s important: her job as a nurse and the fact that her parents struggled to provide her money, emotional support through college and if Richard was unable to meet her halfway then she would have to keep her distance from him.

  Reagan knew it will be hard because they work on the same floor, section and sometimes, same office or delivery but she was determined.

  The next morning, she was already in her uniform waiting for Doctor Slater to come check the attendance. Everything went on as usual, he was ignoring her and she was holding on to her plan of doing the exact same thing.

  That day however, Reagan realised that she fell in love and how she discovered that? By assisting Richard in the delivery room. An emergency occurred with Samantha Pecks, one of their patients and her baby had to be delivered or she was facing a risk of getting toxaemia.

  Reagan was the one that took the new-born in her
arms and her heart just melted. It took her one glance towards Richard to figure out that she fell in love with him. He was her weakness and knew exactly how to work her. Almost 2 months went by and Reagan managed to avoid Richard and to keep the personal from professional separate at last. Her body however was struggling to keep up with her. Some days she felt sick, some she was alright. Fearing that her love may multiply, Reagan gave a sample of her blood to the hospital lab and her results came back good. No signs of pregnancy whatsoever.

  But that’s what she thought. The staff at the lab was under Richard’s lead and he asked them to keep their mouths shut in case of a pregnancy. Reagan’s luck was due to her good genes and no morning sickness or throwing up yet.

  It was the beginning of a beautiful sunny day and Richard went across the street to grab lunch. Reagan was organising some files in his office and dusting the shelves when a blue envelope fell down. She thought that was strange. But what was even creepier was that her name was written on it.

  Reagan opened it and there it was. Her entire life was written there, from family diseases to her blood work tests, her credentials, her contract, diplomas and what made her go ballistic was that she realised that she was being used by Richard. Basically she was a Guinee pig for his new experiment.

  ‘’What are you doing Reagan?’’

  ‘’You are one twisted sick fuck. This is what I am to you? An experiment? What the hell is this?’’ combines the hormones and develops an intense orgasm? The subject is dilating and…’’ you know what I’m not even going to continue.’’

  ‘’Where did you find this?’’

  ‘’It fell from the top of the cabinet while I was dusting it. What the fuck I wrong with you?’’

  ‘’I… am conducting an experiment yes. You started as a Guinee pig and I wanted to stop but I can’t. I am reluctant towards you because…’’

  ‘’I don’t care no more. What is this experiment about?’’

  ‘’To impregnate a female using the natural way and to observe her behaviour step by step. You probably don’t know yet, but we conceived a baby the last time we had sex.’’

  ‘’I was drunk that time and you took advantage of me.’’