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They Got Her Pregnant! Page 13
They Got Her Pregnant! Read online
Page 13
‘’Oh for crying out loud. It was a glass of wine and you wanted me don’t deny it.’’
‘’That’s why I’ve been feeling sick? I though those vitamins from the pharmacy were for my immunity system.’’
‘’They are but it also helps you keep everything in order inside you and the baby safe.’’
‘’You are out of your mind if you think that I’m going to keep this baby.’’
‘’Reagan you will. There’s no doubt about that.’’
Richard hugged her and Reagan was not willing to deal with him anymore. She was punching him and wanted to slap the shit out of him, yet his hug was filled with love and protection.
‘’I’m sorry it has to be like this but I love you Reagan. I can definitely say that now.’’
‘’Why did you have to be such an asshole to me?’’
‘’It’s because of the money. The experiment is huge and due to the set of vitamins that you’re taking, the pregnancy is so easy you don’t even feel it yet.’’
She realised now that he was way too kind and polite with her over the last weeks. Everything was coming together now in her head.
‘’I just can’t Richard. You used me as a science rat and I don’t want my child to grow up and finding out that he was the result of a science experiment.’’
‘’Reagan I know it’s complicated, it’s a tricky situation but you can’t do this to me. I’ll lose everything I’ve build it all these years. ‘’
‘’I’m going to go now. You will receive through mail my resignation and please don’t try and find me. I’ll leave the country and start over. If the baby is going to make it or not, that’s up to me to decide. I am still a bit confused.’’
‘’You can’t do this to me Reagan I won’t let you leave me.’’
‘’It’s not up to you to decide that.’’
Richard was stunned and scared. Everything starting from his money, funds and researches were sitting inside Reagan’s uterus. The miraculous vitamins were a discovery of Reilly C.O. , a new leader on the market in the pharmaceutic domain.
Reagan turned in her uniform and her resignation took a cab and left towards her house. Her grandparents were not at all feeling alright and she decided that this was the perfect time and opportunity for her to get away and as far as possible from Richard and his mad experiment.
Toronto was going to be her new home. Her parents were not thrilled with the news but decided to support her either way. They believed that indeed it was a great chance for her to get away and take care of her grandparents as well.
The next day while she was packing, her phone was turning fiery red due to the amount of phone calls and messages coming from Richard’s side. Victor was already waiting outside of her house to drive her to the airport.
She wanted to get out and escape, to run as far as possible from her ordeal. Reagan arrived at the airport, gave Victor a hug and made her way towards the terminal. But a hand placed on her right shoulder stopped her from keep on going.
‘’Richard? How do you know that I…?’’
‘’I need to talk to you. I can’t let you go. Just stop Reagan. I promise I will quit it all and start over with you as a family. I want you, I need you and I love you.’’
‘’Richard, I can’t let you do that. Just find someone else to impregnate or do your wacky experiments and leave me out of them. Forget about me, that I exist and for sure forget about this baby.’’
‘’I can’t do that Reagan.’’
He picked her up in his strong arms and made his way towards his car outside. She felt no need to fight him or be hysteric. She knew an opportunity would come for her to escape and she will wait and see his next moves.
‘’Richard where are we going?’’
‘’Back at my place. I am guarding you 24/7 until I am 100% sure that you will accept me.’’
‘’You can’t do that because you need to work.’’
‘’No I don’t. I will quit my job and start over with you no matter the consequences.’’
When they arrived back at his place, she was stunned to see a whole crew. The word and effects of these vitamins spread out and people from the news, talk-shows wanted to chat with the man behind the miracle and his partners.
Richard decided to avoid them and for that, he drove by in a storm and decided to head out to the hospital because the security will stop the media down at the entrance.
Richard and Reagan arrived at the hospital and he parked the car in the underground parking lot and they both made their way up to the third floor where his office was sitting empty and locked.
‘’I love you Reagan. I can’t imagine my life without you really.’’
‘’Richard this is too much for me to handle. Just let me go and when things cool off I will return and we can start fresh from there.’’
‘’No because I know for a fact that you will run away for good.’’
‘’I won’t I promise. I love you too Richard and it’s been a struggle to keep my feelings in control. But this is too much for me to handle and now I have a soul to take care of.’’
‘’We will go together. I can’t do this anymore. You’ve changed my life Reagan and I…’’
But his speech was interrupted by a nurse that came by with some news for the two lovers.
‘’Doctor Slater? The front desk just called. Your wife is waiting for you downstairs. She came straight from the airport and she is in need of your assistance.’’
Reagan was stunned. Her entire world just crashed completely.
‘’Your wife is downstairs? Your wife?’’
‘’I… Reagan stop.’’- said Richard running behind her. She rushed down the stairs.
Carol doesn't really care for the holidays, but her office is having a Christmas party and she feels obligated to go. Her boss is big on everyone attending even though it's technically not mandatory. While at the party Carol meets her boss’s son, Max. Max is a 23 year old hard bodied, tattooed biker. Rumors are he is an ex criminal, and his dad is giving him one last chance to get his act together, letting him stay with him. When Max and Carol are caught under mistletoe together, the second her lips touch Max she knows how bad she wants him. Carol is such a sweet good girl, and Max is such a bad boy, and it's her bosses’ son...that can't be good. Later that week Max shows up at her house on his motorcycle, and Carol can't resist even though she knows if her boss finds out she will be out of a job
Carol Parker groaned as she headed to the Christmas Party at her office. Their boss Mr. Abraham Short loved the holiday and it was expected that all employees attend, even for a short time. As a single woman, she was stuck staying for a while. People always noticed those who left the earliest and you better have a ready excuse. Not being a fan of holiday cheer didn’t count. Visiting her family for Thanksgiving and New Years was enough.
“Hey Carol is here everybody,” Abraham announced as she pasted on a smile, “there were bets that you would skip this but I said no way. My sweet blonde superstar will show up.” He was a rosy-faced Jewish man and towered over her at six feet. With graying dark hair, a big gut and sky blue eyes, he was practically the living incarnation of Santa Claus.
Carol blushed unsure if she should feel complimented or offended. She was more than a head of hair and a pretty face. Still, she was paid fairly at the business and he wasn’t handsy or nasty. Just a bit on the weird and overly an enthusiastic guy which was easy to tolerate. “Thanks, Abe, I’m not seeing my family until new years so I have some free time.”
“I’m glad I live near family,” Abraham gave her a hug, “in fact my son Max is here. Started working two months ago. Had to talk the board into letting him in but he’s being good.”
Carol cracked a smile and nodded. Max Short was the complete opposite of his father. The story was he got his father’s height and mother’s steamy looks. Mrs. Short only stopped by a few times and the curvy brun
ette looked like a knockout. She was the third Mrs. Short and Max was her only child. Mr. Short’s other children popped by sometimes, all of them lawyers, doctors or sports champions. It must have made Max feel like an outcast. Rumor was he got kicked out of university for fighting and left his family for a life of crime. Now he was back and while they seemed to get along, it went around that Mr. Short was giving him one chance to shape up or be disowned and put out forever. A drastic move for a usually happy man.
Carol moved around the room trying to pass the time. It was hard pretending to have fun. She preferred small gatherings with her friends who weren’t into the celebration drama. Christmas had become so noisy and fake it hurt. Several people chatting friendly with each other, she knew for a fact hated someone in the group. But it was a holiday party and now was the time to buck up and play nice. That only made her want to throw up in her mouth.
“Oww!” she cried out bucking into something solid, “great what is it now? Oh, I’m sorry,” a person stood in front of her. Tall and well muscled, he felt more like a wall. The last thing she needed was to get into an argument in the middle of festivities.
“It’s fine, I should have been more careful,” the man apologized in a rich baritone, “are you okay? I just want to make sure nothing got banged up or anything ma’am.”
Carol blushed despite herself. Then she saw his face and placed where the voice came from. There stood Max Short and he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt with long sleeves, dark pants, and sneakers. His sheepish smile showed he felt even more out of place than she did. Most likely this visit wasn’t on his schedule either. The clothing choice a close second. It would be nice finding someone just as awkward if not for that person being Abe’s son.
“Look at that,” an intern from a nearby startup called out, “I was hoping to see some action. My party was mostly old fogies drinking spiked eggnog. No offense,” she added.
“None taken, a young person wants to be at a fun party, not a funeral,” Abraham patted the young lady on the back, “good thing I let you sneak in here because my son is about to kiss one of the prettiest lassies I’ve ever met,” he said pointing above the awkward pair.
Carol’s eyes widened to saucer’s upon realizing why. Above like a noose at the gallows was a mistletoe. At their parties, married couples and those with certain beliefs got to kiss each other on the cheek. But singles and those without a good excuse had to pucker up. As an atheist and almost a year without a significant other, she had no cards to play. Her eyes went up to Max hoping he had some kind of trick to get them out of this proverbial mess.
He leaned forward. “Let’s make it quick. My father loves the pretty ones,” his eyes actually held a bit of pity. There was no way out of this. The kiss was happening either way.
Carol sighed, at twenty-one this was the last thing she needed. At least Max was twenty-three and close to her age. Imagine having to kiss one of the over forty or worse fifty males in attendance. Plus he was not exactly plain looking with those handsome rugged features. Though it was never in her plans to kiss one of those typical bad boys. Unlike some females she never saw the appeal of being a do or die girl to a man with prison in his future. “Right, just...no tongue,” she said feeling embarrassed to have to tell him that.
“No problem, Carol,” Max smiled, “we haven’t got to know each other well enough for that.”
Both leaned in and Carol felt his warm lips touch hers. Then gasped as her body was pulled in close. The kiss deepened and it was like electricity shot through her limbs. This was no ordinary liplock. Every fiber of her being wanted him in an instant. Max Short was the man meant to ravage her and take this regular good girl to the forbidden zone. Now she understood why any girl would fall for a bad boy. Good boys can’t kiss anyone like this.
Carol deepened the kiss hoping it would never end. Their lips fighting for dominance as the tongue rule was quickly broken. Just as she thought they would be consumed by passion, it ended. Max moved away slightly with a satisfied smirk on his face. Different from the cool former bad boy she bucked into. These were the eyes of the dangerous Max, the guy his father wanted to smother out of existence. “Is this how you kiss all girls?” she whispered.
“Only the ones lucky enough to bring out the beast in me,” Max mouthed back, “okay everyone, let’s get back to the party. We are here to have fun not run a harem.” He walked off in the opposite direction as if nothing happened. Perhaps not feeling anything in the kiss.
“He gets that charm from me, everybody,” Abraham declared, “now I need a drink after that fire burning performance. Carol is officially the girl of the night, who can disagree?” the room broke out into cheers. There would be gossip at the office for weeks to come.
Carol could barely keep her head up. As soon as the first opportunity came she was ditching this madhouse. Max was the perfect man to get her in trouble. Abraham might be able to keep his hot wife in line but she doubted Max was that pliable. Anyone with a guy like that had to accept taking the back seat. She liked having some degree of control. After all the modern woman didn’t have to bow for any man and that was how she liked it.
“I hope Max was not too rough on you,” Abraham walked over, “he’s a good guy deep down. Got caught up with the wrong crowd and almost got himself killed, broke our hearts. I know he’s handsome and tempting but Carol, don’t be fooled. That boy is trouble in hyperdrive.”
Carol was surprised, his father was warning her to stay away. Worse he was also her boss. “He’s not my type. The kiss was...nice but I need more than that in anyone I choose to date. Ex-cons are not exactly at the top of my list,” she said then covered her mouth in horror.
“That’s fine, you find a good man to share a future with,” Abraham grinned, “my wife looks like a princess but she chose a regular guy because I could keep her secure. We good ones might look more like frogs in reality but better a plain partner than a hot philanderer.”
“A faithful partner is important, thanks boss. Excuse me, I’m going to get more cake,” Carol pulled herself from the strange conversation. Seeing Max near the cake she diverted to getting some eggnog instead. This girl had enough with the Short men to last a lifetime.
Max Short couldn’t believe that the woman of his dreams would be at an employee’s office party. From the second their lips met, he felt fireworks. Pretending to be nonchalant was the hardest act yet. More so than when he was dealing and picking real customers from undercover cops. None of them were that close and locked on his mouth. The rush from holding Carol close was better than any high from other women, drugs or alcohol.
Carol Parker was the blonde definition of an innocent young woman. She carried herself like a self respecting female should. He could respect that she wanted something good out of life. Yet he usually avoided the type. They were often judgemental and hard to change like his father. His mother was not a siren but also a forgiving kind woman. Often the hotter females were the nicest, knowing after meeting too many only interested in their looks, that personality mattered most. Carol was definitely a looker in a sense, his father noticed. Abraham never strayed but he had a wandering eye and loved flirting with sexy females.
He noticed them talking while he was polishing off a piece of cake. No doubt about him. Father made it clear he was to focus on work and this was the final chance. Any screw ups would lead to immediate firing. With parole on the line a steady job was paramount. Getting work at a reputable business did good in satisfying his parole officer. The guy he got arrested with worked the night shift at a fastfood restaurant for less than a year before being rearrested. News that made him more determined to not be a statistic and stay clean.
He recently broke up with another old flame who couldn’t accept this new life. Riding his motorcycle was the most excitement he was willing to do outside some clubbing and in the bedroom. Getting into more huge bar fights or drugs was out of the question. Ruby wasn’t having that and left with another bi
ker right outside his apartment complex. It was sad losing that hot piece of ass but she was not worth going back to prison for another decade. Parole was seven years and he had to be squeaky clean to stay free and on his father’s good side.
He couldn’t wait to be his full alpha male self again. After the parole was done, he planned to leave the country and start a new life elsewhere. Many places were looking for a man of his talents with less interest from the law to arrest him. The new leaf was not as terrible as he thought but still painfully boring sometimes. It was clear his fellow employees didn’t trust him and covering his tattoos were a real pain. Below his neck was mostly covered in ink and he was proud of that. His mother thought they were amazing but father saw it as low class.
Carol had caught a look at his back tattoo when he lifted his shirt one hot afternoon thinking a floor on construction was empty. When she gasped he turned around in time to see her hurry away blushing. But any other time since she never looked at him in a superior or angry way. As if his bare skin frightened her more than having a flaming skull. He liked that.
Perhaps when things simmered down he could try and talk to her. He wanted the blonde coworker but it was best not to spook the young woman. Or worse make her go rushing to report him to human resources. Such a disaster would have him fired and under his father’s dark side real quick. Jolly Abraham was not a fan of being shamed or proven wrong. A final chance was just that and despite their strained relationship, he wanted to do good for now.